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Sree Gurubhyo Namaha Sree Maathre Namaha Ambaal is kaalanithya swarupini, which means time is an important dimensional factor

for Her. In vedic system we follow panchangam (almanac) time and has five basic elements to decide and measure. In devimaanam the almanac is called ashtangam and has eight elements to measure time. They are as follows:1. yugam 2. Parivritti 3. year(varsha m) 4. Month (Masam) 5. day(dinam) 6. thithi (Paksam) 7. vasaram (Week) 8. gatika (seconds)

Each of the above elements are associated with a Aksharam and a tatvam except for Month which is associated with a Aksharam and a Kalaa instead of tatvam while Gatika is associated with only one Aksharam and it does not have tatvam. Each day is presided by a Nathar and a Nithya. Both Nathar and Nithya are associated with a Aksharam and a tatvam while the Nathar alone is associated with Vaasaram. In devi maanam the division of years and months etc is : 60 ghatis = 1 day 9 days = 1 week 4 weeks = 1 month 16 months = 1 year 36 years = 1 Parivrithi 36 Parivrithis = 1 yuga 36 Yugas = 1 Mahayuga 10 Mahayugas = 1 Kalpa 10 kalpas = 1 Mahakalpa 10 Mahakalpas cause for the perturbation of Sri Devi's eyelid. n = gathakali Today = (365.25n + (5n-1237)/576 )

This calender is useful for tantrika sandhyavandana, Natha Parayana, Ghatika Parayana, Nithya Parayana, Tatva Parayana etc In the lotus feet of Sri Guru, S. Sreemahalakshmi

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