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4 Who first proposed the use of separate mechanisms for producing lift and propulsive forces for flight? Sir George Cayley was the first. S-1.5 What modern aircraft combines the propulsive and lift forces? A helicopter combines propulsive and lift forces in its propeller. S-1.6 Why didnt the Wright brothers plane receive more worldwide use after development? They made their aircraft unstable to require and allow more control and maneuverability. Other engineers began to make planes as well but that were more stable and less maneuverable but because they were easier to use, the Wrights plane received less use. S-1.7 Describe what you think the design mission was like. Draw a similar diagram to fig. 1.7 for your aircraft. Build a plane that can fly, maneuver, and then land safely.

S-1.8 Write design specs for your aircraft similar to table 1.2. Intercontinental Bomber Item Range Combat Mission Radius Ceiling Max Mach Number Weapon Payload Crew Requirement 10000 miles 4000 miles 55000 ft .95 at altitude Up to 700000 lb bombs 5

A-1.4 Choose 5 aircraft with similar configs. but different sizes and plot the max range of each aircraft vs its max takeoff gross weight. What is the trend?
Range (nm)

Max Range vs Max Takeoff Weight

Max Takeoff Weight (lbs)

A-1.5 For your aircraft, make a graph plotting each planes max payload weight vs its max takeoff gross weight. Is it a similar trend?
Payload (lbs)

Max Payload vs Max Takeoff Weight

Max Takeoff Weight (lbs)

A-1.6 Airliner must carry 300 passengers. Range of 4000 n miles. Est. the max takeoff weight of the new airliner based on analyses of A-1.4, A-1.5.

Assume avg weight of passenger to be 125 lbs. 125*300=37500lbs

DP1: Benchmark aircraft (at least 10) for your design project list as many pertinent parameters as possible (W/S, span, payload, propulsion, etc.)

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