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Teacher Math Survey

Teachers Name: ________________________________________________ Subject (be specific): _____________________________________________ Grade (check one): 9th 10th 11th 12th Undecided Strongly Disagree Disagree Strongly Agree Date: ___________ Period: __________

Directions: Answer as HONESTLY as you can by checking the term. This survey will provide information about successful teaching strategies and give an idea of how you think your students feel about mathematics. Please fill this out for each class you administer the Student Math Survey to. 1. My students are interested in what I teach them about math. 2. They are comfortable expressing their ideas about math. 3. The challenge of math appeals to them. 4. They get a great deal of satisfaction out of solving a math problem. 5. They believe mathematics is not important in everyday life. 6. To learn math, they try to memorize formulas and procedures. 7. Mathematics makes them feel uncomfortable and confused. 8. I worry that my students will get poor grades in my class. 9. They are interested in finding further knowledge of math. 10. They want to develop their mathematical skills. 11. They have a lot of self-confidence when it comes to mathematics. 12. Math helps them develop their minds and think more clearly. 13. It is not important to them to do well in mathematics. 14. They are afraid of mathematics and have a hard time learning it. 15. They get very nervous doing math problems. 16. They do not like to solve new problems in mathematics. 17. They are comfortable answering questions in my math class. 18. Mathematics is enjoyable and stimulating to them. 19. They are good at solving math problems. 20. They feel a sense of insecurity when attempting mathematics. 21. They think mathematics is dull and boring. 22. They only do math because they have to. I teach mathematics mainly using: (pick at least two) lectures repetition

group discussions tests projects homework Yes No Yes No No

I have enough time to teach everything I want to in math class. I give my students the right amount of homework to prepare them. I love mathematics and want to share that with my students.


Questions from: "Math Attitude Survey 2010-2011." SurveyMonkey: Free Online Survey Software & Questionnaire Tool. Web. 04 Nov. 2011. <>. "Mathematics Attitude Survey." ONID. Web. 04 Nov. 2011. <>. Tapia, Martha. "Attitudes Toward Mathematics Inventory." Pearweb. 1996. Web. 4 Nov. 2011. <>.


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