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Prepared by : Ahmad Amir Najmi Bin Mohd Razali (PISMP Mat/PJ/BI 2) How do you learn English?

English is a difficult language to learn, because I need to learn it in all areas, including listening, speaking, reading and writing. There are some things that help me learn English more easily in each area. Firstly, I watch some English TV. For me, TV is the best and most inexpensive teacher to learn real English. Not only I can learn formal English from news or debate TV programs, but I can also learn everyday English from soap operas and sitcoms. I also watch an English film at least twice a month. Sometime, I listening to the Radio. Radio is also one of the best and inexpensive English teachers. Because there is no picture, I cannot lip read. By listening, I train my ear to listen carefully. In addition to that, I usually use an English-English dictionary and bring my dictionary wherever I go. It is more easier to me when I having a smartphone. Just download a dictionary application and I can bring it wherever I go. If I find some words that I don't know, I look them up in my dictionary immediately. So that, I learn new word every day!

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