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Dear Respondent Thank you for your willingness to complete this questionnaire. The purpose of the questionnaire is to determine your preferences in selection of which Product you prefer. These preferences will be analysed to draw conclusions on why shoppers prefer online shopping of fashion apparels over brick and motor stores. The questionnaire should not take more than 10 minutes to complete and you are entitled to withdraw at any time without penalty. This is an anonymous and confidential survey. You will not be identified and the answers you provide will be used for research purposes only. By completing this questionnaire, you indicate that you voluntarily participate in this research. Section1 Q1 Demographic Variables Gender Age( Years) Education Occupation

Income Monthly in(Rs) Family size (no of members) Status of family buying unitHead of family Purchaser of most products Influencer of buying decisions User of most Products

1. How often do you buy Products Online? Daily Two times a week Every two weeks Every two months 3-4 times a week Every week Every month

2. How much do you spend on buying clothes online each month? Below 2000 5000-10000 2000-5000 10000 above

3. Which categories of clothes do you usually buy? Haute couture Mass market 3. What is it about particular clothes that make you buy them? Design Cost Comfort Brand 4. In what ways do you usually learn about clothing brands? Print media Tv advertisements Radio advertisements Internet ads 5. How do you judge the quality of the clothes? Ready-to-wear

6. Do you regularly buy the same brand of clothes? Yes No Sometimes 7. Do you recommend brands? Yes No Sometimes 8. Can you describe the image of your favourite brand?

9. Why do you like this brand?

10. What would you do if you are satisfied or dissatisfied about the clothes you purchase?

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