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Object pronouns Nombre __________________________

1. Who writes you letters?

¿Quién _____________ escribe cartas?

2. Ana writes them to me.

Ana _________ __________ escribe.

3. To whom do you lend your car?

¿A quién __________ prestas tu carro?

4. I lend it to Carlos.

______________ ______________ presto a Carlos

5. Who gives you guys an exam?

¿Quién ________________ da un examen?

6. The teacher gives it to us.

La profesora _______________________________________________.

7. Did you send flowers to your girlfriend?

¿__________________ mandaste flores a tu novia?

8. Yes, I sent them to her.


9. Are you going to send the money to them?


10. I am going to send it to them tomorrow.


11. Do you need to give me the boots?


12. I need to give them to you.


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