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Name: Brandon Knight Social Class: Peasant


Middle Ages Webquest #3 Feudalism & Government Research Chart

Answer (Your research): Source Information: (*more than web address *author, date of access, copyright/update date)

1. Explain how Feudalism functions?

People give land in return for soldiers, farming, and serving in the military

The Feudal System. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Feb. 2013. < middleages/feudalsystem. htm>.
Shoeing in the Middle Ages. Mid Mo Design, 10 Nov. 2010. Web. 19 Feb. 2013. <http://wccshoeing.wordpre the-feudal-systempeasants-and-how-the-feudalsystem-ended/>.

2. What is your role in the feudal hierarchy?

A Peasants role in the feudal system was farming and scaring birds away.

3. What role does religion play in feudalism?

Religions role in feudalism is if you were the closest to the god you were the highest in the feudal system. And that person would be the pope.

Students for Tomorrow. Mike Pennington & Garth Holman, 2013. Web. 20 Feb. 2013. <http://www.studentsfo> .

4. What were some of the various laws that people lived by?

If you broke the law you would have to swallow poison, or have an object covered in hot oil on their skin, or carry a red hot piece of iron over a long distance

Law in the Middle Ages. Jessie and Paul, n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2013. <http://www.yesnet.yk. ca/schools/projects/middle ages/law/law.html> Feudal System. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2013. < feudal-system.htm>.

5. What are your Rights?

lowed to hunt, wear spurs, or have a seat in Since Im a peasant I don't have many rights because I was in the bottom social class. One I did have was the right of the common oven. I wasn't allowed to hunt, wear spurs, or have a seat in church. The government gave the people their rights and laws. They also gave the military money to forge armor and weapons. They would also use it for making castles for kings and queens. They would do that for smaller buildings like a nobles castle,a merchants castle a knights castle, and a peasants hut or house.

6. What did the government provide for the people? Go into great detail.

Pennington, Michael. "Middle Ages Lesson." Chardon Middle School Room 212. Print. Speech transcript

7. Why do you agree to live in the feudal system?

People agree to it because they thought that the king pope was talking to the god and the god was telling them what to do

Pennington, Michael. "Middle Ages Lesson." Chardon Middle School Room 212. Print. Speech transcript

8. Explain 3 ways that feudalism spread across Western Europe.

1.) 2.) 3.)

William the conqueror Merchants Nobles

Pennington, Michael. "Middle Ages Lesson." Chardon Middle School Room 212. Print. Speech transcript

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