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A Statement from Richard Danford, President and CEO, Jacksonville Urban League On the Reapplication Process for Head

Start Programs I believe that open and objective competition in any public sector of American life is a good thing. This is especially true when it comes to programs, such as Head Start, that are managed by not-for-profit agencies receiving tax payer dollars. With this in mind, I fully expect and support the periodic review of these programs in order to assure that taxpayers get good value for their money. In any marketplace, when you have a good product that meets or exceeds real and genuine needs, I think over time, youll succeed. The Jacksonville Urban Leagues Head Start meets very real community needs. Thats one reason the Jacksonville Urban League has been so successful Were proud of what our family-driven approach to head start means to children coming from severely economically challenged environments. Distinct from many folks of good will, who make their livings from the education business, the Jacksonville Urban League takes a holistic approach to educating a child. Unlike most other pre-K programs, our approach looks at and addresses the critical factors influencing a childs education. According to all aspects of the recent Federal review, conducted in 2012 done on all Head Start programs with one exception we met or exceeded all pertinent performance measurements. However, on this one particular data point, referred to as emotional support we question the reviews methodology and conclusions. We are asking for further clarification of the governing statutes intent. The Federal Head Start, which governs all head start programs, stated in a written document dated January 14, 2013 that The Jacksonville Urban Leagues Head Start grant was not currently in threat of termination or suspension but we were required to submit an application pursuant to a funding opportunity. Close to 100 Head Start programs, across the country, have received similar notices.

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