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language is one part of one's culture, and of culture itself reflects the personality of a person

strangers easily make friends with anyone and probably have many friends, but to become friends may have been less, and when a friend took a long time. they share life experiences with others without the intention to foster a relationship. there is no strong bond, even though they look very close
separation of a child sleeping in a separate room in which is seen to have its own privacy and independence by educating parents. parents have their own privacy, as an adult, a child can do anything about their lives. such as choosing a job, future and others

parents who already have children are married, choosing to live independently, and not rely on his son kehidupanya, they prefer to live in nursing homes and socializing with friends the same age
a child who already has his own family, when experiencing financial problems did not ask for help from parents or brothers and sisters or other close family, but they prefer to borrow money in the bank to resolve the problem

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