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Study Guide for Test on Unit 1-Concepts in Comparative Government

Lesson 1- Purpose and Methods of Comparison and Classification Why study comparative politics? Hobbes state of natureLesson 2- Nations, States, Supranational Organizations, Regimes, Legitimacy Regime Violence is associated with high/low levels of legitimacy System (Ch. 2) Participants-. Nation Subjects Sources of legitimacy: ParochialLesson 3: Political Institutions: Classifying Governments Constitution (Ch. 1 & 2) Latin American governments generally have which system of democratic government? (Ch. 2) Most common form of participation: Britain, Germany, India: Presidential/Parliamentary first past the post systemsystems Proportional representation systems Duties of legislatures: (Ch. 3) Parliamentary systems can be dissolved by Organization of MOST legislatures: _________________________________________. In U.S. chief executive fulfills which roles? Most common geographic distribution of government In Parliamentary Systems, who selects cabinet? power is: unitary/federal Referendum Disadvantages of federalism: InitiativeLesson 4: Citizens, Society, and the State (Cleavages, Civil Society, Media Roles, Political Participation) Cleavage Institutional Groups Types of cleavages (and define them) Associational Groups Political Culture (Ch. 3) Civil society Anomic groups Pluralism (see definitions) Nonassociational GroupsLesson 5: Authoritarianism & Democracy: Democracy in Advanced Nations, and Democratization Totalitarian systems Democratization Controlled interest group system(Ch.3 ) Character tics of Democracies: Similarities in political parties in authoritarian and democratic systems Characteristics of Political Parties in Democracies Ways to participate in Authoritarian Systems: Interest aggregation takes place within the ranks of the party in an authoritarian system!** Why would a military rule take over? Currently, we are in a ____________ wave of democratization. Illiberal democracyLesson 6: Political and Economic Change: Economic Types, Economic performance, Policy Formation, Factors Influencing Policymaking Discuss major economic trends in the world today: Lesson 7: Public Policy What do the following represent? o GDPo GNP o PPP Policy-making The study of public policy is related to regulation, distribution, extraction of resources, and outcomes Trend with welfare states in the world today-

In comparison to Europeans, Americans have been more concerned with equality of opportunity.

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