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Examples on XP, Windows 7

CENG 103 Mugla University


Based on Pecatonica UMC Computer Training Series

Where did I put ?

Where did I put that?

Improving your computer game

Many people who would be very proficient computer users, lack self confidence when faced with understanding files systems and file association. This presentation will attempt to remove some of the mystery behind working with files/directories and thus hopefully help increase the confidence level of the average to newbie computer user. The concept of file structure is powerful and a key to achieving this next level of understanding.


Why is file management important? Introduction to the directory structure of a computer File associations Power Tool for file retrieval Creating a great file structure Creating great file names Downloading and finding files Conclusions and homework (uggh):

Why file management

Files contain data that has been deemed important enough to create/store Stored data is only useful if it can be easily recovered and used Once recovered it must be capable of being accessed (message conveyed) Understandingyourcomputersfilestructures is critical to finding this data

In order for data to be useful it must be able to be easily retrieved and displayed

Why file management

So how do we approach file management with the previous intentions? The answer is found partially in understanding the directory structure

From this structure we can develop powerful technics to find our files

Introduction to the directory structure

How would you describe to someone how to find an article of clothing located somewhere in your house?

The answer depends on where you are

File structures are similar

The file root could be the home (file root is the very highest level of the file system typically c: - windowsor/for linux/unix)
The room The chest of drawers The drawer number/location The article of clothing = file

Convention for identifying file location

MS- Windows

C:\ = root of the drive the highest level of the directory All others are referenced from the next directory in the path Path is the direction one would take from the root directory to get to the file Example C:\my city\my street\my address\my room\my dresser\my upper left drawer\my new NASA shirt.doc The\identifythesteppingintothenextdirectorytier

Directory structures

Location /C:/APPS/GAMES/C


Similarly referenced to a physical location

State City

Street House



Directory structures


Where is the default data storage

MS Windows typically uses MY Documents as thedefaultrootforuserdatastorage

Thisisnttherealrootofthedrivebutratheraconvenient location to store all your data and reference the location from Some folders may already be created for you My Pictures, My Music, My Downloads etc.

Most users never expand on this directory structure


Create your own directory structure

UsageofnewfilecommandinMSWindows Explorer or My Computer

Allows you to easily create new directories New directories can then be inserted inside of these new directories You have just created your own directory tree.


What defines a Great File structure

Documents are easily found! When you are looking for a document, a good directory structure will practically scream out the path or location of the document you are looking for. At each step of the structure it should be clear what next branch of the directory to turn to for document retrieval.


Great file name/structure is winning combination

A great file structure helps locate a family of documents Combined with a great file names and the ability to do power searches, means never losing a file ever again

(assuming you back up your data but that is another story)


Examples of Great File Name/Structure

My Document

2008 Financial

Accounts Checking Savings 401K

My personal documents Resumes Shopping


Pick Great File Names

File names should describe the contents inside

should be short Should be alpha-numeric

Should be concise
Generally do not use special characters Neverputa.inyourfilename(Windowsinterpretsthisas the beginning of the file extension field of the file name)


Examples of Great/Good File Names

Aunt_Em_Peanut_butter_cookies_recipe.doc My_latest_resume.doc Communications June Meeting minutes JimsGroceryList.pdf My_checking_account.xls


Insert Date

My_resume_20100916.doc EnisKaraarslan_resume_20100916.doc C:\Resim\2010_09_Akyaka\


Examples of poor file names

Default.xls Book1.xls Document.doc Board.doc


Create your own directory structure


Create your own directory structure


Create your own directory structure


Create your own directory structure


Create your own directory structure


Create your own directory structure


Create your own directory structure

I have now created a file structure

D: DepartmentWORK Basvurular



Big Jump Here

How do we know what is inside a file? A look at file naming conventions. How do I know that I have the right software program to open my new file?


File Names and File Associations

File names should help to identify contents and do identify the application needed to open the file

Similar directory structures that help locate contents, file names should describe what is inside a file. Naming convention xxxxxxxxxx.yyy TheXstotheleftofthe.comprisethefilename The Ystotherightofthe.comprisethehelper application necessary to open the file.


Common file extensions

MS Office documents:

.doc = word document .xls = Excel document

.ppt= powerpoint document


.pdf = portable document format (Adobe is most common application)

Web help (must be in show mode to access hyperlink below)

This web site can provide help for file association questions


Exploring My Computer (a new tool)

The presence of a plus sign indicates the presence of lower tier directories Click on the plus sign to expand and show the list of subdirectories Click on the minus sign to collapse the directory structure. Entire directory structures can be easily copied (recursively)


Power tools for file finding

The Search tool is a powerful ally in finding lost files. Need to refine searches to smallest search area practical (lowest level of your structure)

Results in smaller time increment for searches

Remember your file structure

Search for files by date/time/name/extensions Class examples for searching

Review the search window and how to reach it.


The Search Window

Toggle between Search and Folders


The Search Window


Where do I find my new USB stick data?

FindtheMyComputericonanddoubleclick to open. If your stick was successfully installed it will show up similar to following:

Stick Drive


Downloading and Finding Files

Caution on downloading files do so from a safe location Understand the default location for the download

Otherwise you will not be able to find the errant file


Control over where the document saves


Note the location that the file downloads to


Find the file/Open/Use the File

Once the file is downloaded you are often given the option to open it immediately However if you attempt to do it later you must be able to find it

Using your Great Directory structure and file name techniques this should now be a snap
Whatifyoudonthavewhatyouneedtoopenthefile? Search the file associations web site and locate the program type and install if available


Determine/Change Firefox default download handling

This menu can be found under edit/preferences or tool/options depending on your version of firefox.

Download controls are foundontheMainTab


Determine/Change MS IE default download handling

Microsoft Internet Explorer does not have a control similar to the download control. Every time a file is selected for download, the following window pops up


Explorer allows you to select a location and a name for your new file
Dontforgetwhereyouputthis!Click the drop-down box to see where your file is really going. Select a logical location for your new file. Chooseadifferentnameifyoudontlike the default name.



This course has intended to empower and encourage the user to employ power skills for creating directories and file names

Using intuitive approach to creating great directory structures Useful Descriptive File names Basic understanding of file extensions and file associations Resulting in fewer lost files

Introduction to power search tools




Create the following directory structure on a PC:




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