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Course Name and Number: Course Description: Text Book: Teacher Name:

United States History In 8th Grade United States History, we will explore many topics this school year. Students will participate in group activities, class discussions, and complete projects. Additionally, we will use an online learning resource entitled Edmodo to support our in-class as well as at home learning. Prentice Hall America: History of Our Nation Mrs. Allyson Snowden

Contact Information

Email: Phone: 634-0217 Kadena Middle School Main Office Planning Period: A3 & B3 Materials Needed: Students will need a section marked History in their 3-Ring Binder, looseleaf paper, pencil, and a blue or black ink pen. Assigned work will be graded either for completeness or accuracy. All homework is due the following class period after it is assigned unless the teacher assigns an alternate due date. Assignments will be graded and weighted based on the complexity of the assignment.

Grading Policy:

DoDEA Grading Scale

90 - 100 = A 80 - 89 = B 70 - 79 = C 60 - 69 = D 59 or Below = F Assessment Methods: Tests, Projects, Class work, Homework, and Vocabulary quizzes. Late work will only be collected 1 class period late and will be graded at a reduced rate of 50%. Late work submitted more than 1 class period late will not be graded. Late Work Policy: Students will need to retrieve late passes from the student resource board, fill them out completely and have a parent/guardian sign them for all late assignments. If a student has an excused absence, they will have an equal number of days as the number of days they were absent upon their return to complete their missed assignments. Students will have access to Edmodo in which they will be able to view all videos and retrieve homework assignments.

Tutoring/Extra Help:

I am available during seminar for students who need extra support. Students must ask to be requested no later than 12:00 on the day of seminar. Quarter 1 Beginnings until 1752 Roots of the American people The Age of Exploration Spains Empire in the Americas The founding of the English Colonies in North America Establishment of the English Colonies English Colonial Life The Road to Revolution The triumph of the English over the French in North America The English colonies rebellion toward Great Britain The American War for independence The Era of Thomas Jefferson War of 1812 Rise of Nationalism Westward expansion of the United States The Age of Reform Westward Expansion Factors leading to the American Civil War The Civil War The Reconstruction Period Expansion and development of the U.S Industrial Revolution

Quarter 2

Content Outline: Quarter 3

Quarter 4

Additional Information:

CLASSROOM RULES 1. Arrive on time 2. Be in your seat, prepared and ready to work when class begins 3. Be respectful to everyone 4. Do not talk when the teacher is talking 5. Come to class prepared (Have all necessary supplies) 6. If you are tardy, do not come to class without a late pass 7. Work Hard, PLAY HARD

Class Rules, Consequences & Rewards CONSEQUENCES 1st offense Verbal warning nd 2 offense Meeting/ conference between teacher and student Lunch detention rd 3 offense

Student Action Form/ Scheduled conference between teacher, student and parents 4th offense Referral to the office REWARDS Positive notes and phone calls home Verbal and nonverbal praise Extra activity privileges

Extra Credit Standards:

I reserve the right to offer extra credit at my personal discretion. As mentioned, Edmodo will be used heavily in my classroom this year. Edmodo provides classrooms a safe and easy way to connect and collaborate, offering a real-time platform to exchange ideas and share content. More information will be provided to parents and students about Edmodo during the first weeks of class.

Technology Use:

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P a re n t

Te a c h e r

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