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08/19/97 10:54 PM Nothing to write except that I celebrated the day of the pelicans dunno if I was supposed to but

last night a very unusual experience was it telepathy of was it just imagination it seemed very real and similar to telepathic experiences I recall those were chemically assisted this one last night quite sober I dunno what to make of it the jailer went off twice today in my truck stole my truck twice that is I cooked a rib roast jumbo shrimp in olive oil with garlic onion red bell pepper and jalapeno asparagus bearnaise and hollandaise potato things that was my way of marking the day alignment a change of routine remembering now the experiences of Crestone Creek in particular Intent nonsensory Im almost afraid to write about it and how it happenned

I was considering what I would do if anything were possible or shall I say after I decided that anything can be intended no matter how diificult it seems Owning my own business writing and painting then it came to me loving and caring then came the telepathic conversation with Mary sometime later

I think it may have started when I became aware that Im getting tired of the routine here writing and music the jailer I had a feeling that I need to be doing something different and then I began to survey the possibilities to see what I would like and thats what I ended up with I would like that and am motivated by it should I move immediately to Arizona? prajna remains and will guide thats what I came here to realize maybe there is more but I wonder now it seems like a new phase is coming right on the heels of this one that seems to be getting exhausted

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