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Lee el texto e identifica a los personajes.

Luego, describe a los dos personajes que faltan (Ellen y

Peter) e identifícalos.
Tim is dancing with Tessa.he’s got short dark hair and he’s wearing a white T-shirt with a black
stripe. John’s got a beard ans short fair hair . he’s dancing with Pat who is wearing a striped T-shirt.
Chris has got a beard and short fair hair . he’s wearing a jacket. Ann is fat an she’s wearing a white
skirt and a spotted blouse. Sue has got fair hair . She’s wearing a long white dress and she’s
laughing. Mary has got fair hair and she’s smiling. She’s wearing a pair of jeans and a chequered
shirt. Steve is wearing a black suit and glasses. he’s wearing a funny hat. Alex is wearing a chequered
suit and a mask.
Who is…?
a. g.
b. h.
c. i.
d. j.
e. k.
f. l.
Descripción de Ellen y Peter

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