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GROUP 3 : Muhammad Ariansyah Novia Tri Febriani Syatra Safira Anjani Nurhasanah Tria Ningsih

DIFFICULT WORD 1.Apprehensively = Dengan rasa kuatir 2.Sighed = mengeluh 3.Loose = goyah 4.Catch = menarik 5.Pavement = Perataan 6.Led = Membiarkan 7.Chalenged = Keberatan 8.Mounted = Menyusun 9.Stumbled = Tersandung 10.Porch = Serambi 11.Toward = ke arah 12.Outstretched = terulur/ diulurkan 13.Halfbent = setengah bengkok 14.Amused = Memikat 15.Astonishment = Keheranan 16.Railing = Susuran tangga 17.Mingled = Bercampur 18.Admiration = Kekaguman 19.Slender = Ramping 20.Desperately = Mati-matian

Majas Buddy came back and stood facing him, his eyes eager, shining (Hyperbole) Bigger looked at him, his body as taught as that of an animal about to leap (Personification)

Passive sentence he was excited standing here watching her like this. Her eyes were closed

Her face was buried in his . It was like a shoulder thirst springing from his blood , like an electric (Hyperbole) switch being He walked over clicked the snow, feeling on giddy and elated (Simile). His that the room mouth was open was and his eyes filled shone with

Modal Pronoun auxilary had to take the "You(bigger) trunk to the can look station now," Vera said He(Bigger) had They to get rid of (Biggers these at once mother, Buddy) he would keep looked at each them and show other in them to the silence. police she(mrs. Dalton) had He(Bigger) stood over the would say that bed in that he had not even room last opened them night. She had and had not thought that wanted to Mary was drunk, so that the paper that would not rustle he(Bigger) was in the Yes, he would room with her tell them that he Maybe some was afraid of day he would

GROUP 3 : Muhammad Ariansyah Novia Tri Febriani Syatra Safira Anjani Nurhasanah Tria Ningsih

21.Betray = Menghianati 22.Swayed = menggoyangkan 23. Stumble = tersandung 24.Swelling = mengembang 25.Leaning = cenderung 26.Fiercely = Dahsyat 27.Stony = Dingin 28.Blind = buta 29.Eased = Mendorong 30.Faint = redup 31Hazy = Kabur 32Seeped = Menembus 33Glowed = Bersemangat 34Flexed = Tegang 35Odor = bau 36Excitement = Kegembiraan 37Hallway = Ruang masuk 38Swayed = menggoyangkan 39Limply = dengan pincang 40Elation = Kegembiraan 41Slight =

(Hyperbole He smiled a little, feeling a tingling sensation enveloping all his body (Hyperbole) He was eager, tremendously excited (Hyperbole) Mary had served to set off his emotions, emotions conditioned by many Marys (Hyperbole). To Bigger and its kind white people were not really people; they were a sort of great natural force, like a stormy sky

pale reds (batasan) He(Bigger) had to hurry and pack his clothes Should he(Bigger) not leave town right now? a garbage can stood covered with snow ; he(Bigger) had to control himself(Bigger). Bigger) ought to work hard and keep it(work) "I wish you(Bigger) wouldn't look at me," Vera said.

be eating in jail. Here he(Bigger)was sitting with them(Biggera mother, Vera, Buddy) and They did not want to see what others were doing if that doing did not feed their own desires.

but that could not happen

GROUP 3 : Muhammad Ariansyah Novia Tri Febriani Syatra Safira Anjani Nurhasanah Tria Ningsih

Enteng 42Creaking = Berbunyi 43.Straining = Ketegangan 44.Gloom = Kegelapan 45.Bodily = Hidup-hidup 46.Sink = turun 47.Momentarily = sebentar 48.Roused = membangkitkan 49.Possessed = kesurupan 50.Crowd = banyak 51.Knob = pegangan 52.Seeped = meresap 53.Reeled = Menuju 54.Scent = bau (wangi) 55.Tightened = mengeratkan 56.Faintly = redup 57.Moist = Basah 58.Hazy = kabur 59.Furtive = Sembunyi 60.Glints = Kilatan 61.Capped = Tertutup 62.Eased = menurunkan 63.Spread = melebarkan 64.Swayed =

looming overhead, or like a deep swirling river stretching suddenly at one's feet in the dark (Personification). . Even though black like them, he felt there was too much difference between him and them to allow for a common binding and a common life (Simile). When he got to the driveway he saw that the car was standing just as he had left it, but all covered with a soft crust of snow (Hyperbole). The house loomed

now. He caught Buddys arm in a tight grip. I-I wont tell. But can I help you? But his brother would not betray him. He could trust Buddy But he wont tell, he thought. She should've known better! he would feel it for a while and then forget

He knew that he should have turned on the light she'll be ready

GROUP 3 : Muhammad Ariansyah Novia Tri Febriani Syatra Safira Anjani Nurhasanah Tria Ningsih

menggoyangkan 65.Lifted = Mengangkat 66.Urged = Mendorong 67.Leaned = cenderung 68.Tossed = Lempar 69.Tightened = mengeratkan 70.Trembled = gemetar 71.Stiffened = Kaku 72.Creaked = berderak 73.Seize = meraih 74.Gripped = menggenggam 75.Bolt = lari 76.Bent = membungkuk 77.Fists = Kepalan tangan 78.Clenched = dikepal 79.Bumping = Menubruk 80.Betraying = mengembalikan 81.Presence = Kesadaran 82.pale (batasan) 83. cocked (mengacungkan) 84. wand (tongkat sihir) 85. endow (memberkati) 86. foreboding (firasat) 87. trembled (bergetar) 88. taut (tegang) 89. fiery (berapi) 90. purse (dompet)

white and silent (simile). Then, slowly, he looked round the basement, turning his head like an animal with eyes and ears alert, searching to see if anything was amiss (Personification). Like the oblong mound of fresh clay of a newly made grave, the red coals revealed the bent outline of Mary's body (Simile).

for you to take her to the station in a few minutes." Yes, they would have to be stacked neatly. No one must think that he had read them. It would be better to go straight to the kitchen as though nothing had happened his coming into the kitchen would be thought natural

GROUP 3 : Muhammad Ariansyah Novia Tri Febriani Syatra Safira Anjani Nurhasanah Tria Ningsih

91. beads (manik-manik) 92. ridges (gumpalan) 93. Prejudice (prasangka) 94. Gripped (menggenggam) 95. tiptoed (berjingkat) 96. . Tucking (melipat) 97. alley (gang) 98. peels (kulit) 99. blot (menodai) 100. eased (mendekati) 101. ringlets (ikal kecil) 102. soaked (basah) 103. whirled (memutar) 104. glaring (terbelalak) 105. accord (persetujuan) 106. drawled (bicara dengan memanjangkan bunyi kata) 107. straining (menegangkan) 108. fuss (pertengkaran) 109. strapped (mengikat) 110. pouting (mencebil) 111. wailed.(meraung) 112. sobbed (menangis) 113. adoration (kesenangan) 114. rattling (berderikderik) 115. keenly (dengan teliti) 116. anchor (jangkar) 117. spilled (menumpahkan) 118. defenseless (pasrah) 119. longing (keinginan) 120. sunken (cekung) 121. shrinking (menyusut) 122. thunder-struck (petir-

GROUP 3 : Muhammad Ariansyah Novia Tri Febriani Syatra Safira Anjani Nurhasanah Tria Ningsih

melanda 123.yearning (rindu) 124.flinched (tersentak) 125.brooding (merenung) 126.hankering (keinginan besar) 127.presence (kehadiran). 128.peered (mengintip) 129.shoved (mendorong) 130.swell (membengkak) 131.trembling (gemetaran) 132.bewildered (bingung). 133.nigger (orang negro) 134.lugged (menyeret) 135.anxiously (cemas) 136.smothered (disiram) 137.shed (menumpahkan) 138.gnawing (menggerogoti) 139.vaguely (samar-samar)\ 140.whip (Cambuk) 141.decisive (menentukan) 142.eagerness (keyakinan) 143.cracks (celah-celah) 144.revealed (mengungkapkan) 145.shovel (sekop) 146.shook (menggelengkan) 147.quivered (bergetar) 148.rattling (Gemeretak) 149.clogged (buntu) 150.loom (alat tenun) 151.blast (ledakan) 152.hoisted (dikibarkan)

GROUP 3 : Muhammad Ariansyah Novia Tri Febriani Syatra Safira Anjani Nurhasanah Tria Ningsih

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