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1. a splendid little war Battle of Manila Bay (May 1, 1898): the Spanish owned the Philippines.

. Without telling his boss Roosevelt sends a telegram to George dewey saying war is coming and if it comes I want you to sail the fleet into manila bay and attack the Spanish. We did not lose any ships and lost one sailor, by a heart attack not the Spanish. Better training, better ships, incredible technology. 2. Invasion of Cuba Battles of El Caney, Kettle Hill, and San Juan Hill (July 1, 1898) all in one day. Three Spanish defensive positions that we had to capture before we could take the city of Santiago. They used barb wire for the first time ever in warfare Two famous units that charged kettle hill: rough riders colonel teddy Roosevelt Tenth black Calvary(the buffalo soldiers, overwhelmingly African Americans) white captain john perjing Naval battle of Santiago (July 3, 1898): Total domination: lost all 7 ships and lost 323 kill 1800 captured We lost no ships and 1 kill. 3. Results of war: Treaty of Paris: Spain cedes the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam to the United States ( Cuba is granted independence). Watershed event: the US is now considered a world power and finds itself concerned with the events outside its own hemisphere. Makes Teddy Roosevelt president. 4. Rise of the Anti-imperialists: HOMEWORK! 5. World Power 6. Crises in China John Hay and the Open Door Notes: Diplomatic messages that haye sent to European capitals Nobody should divide china, but have an open door to any country that wants to make money or send missionaries to china. 1899 The Boxer Rebellion (1900): A society of Chinese that hated foreigners in their country. Hacked missionaries and their families to pieces. Peking Americans and Europeans form an alliance to save the foreigners in china. Mckinley sent 5000 men to fight in the boxer rebellion 1. Panama Canal and Teddy Roosevelt: 1903 begin building panama canal. Teddy Roosevelt goes to visit canal while theyre building it. he becomes the first president to leave the country.

2. Teddy and the great white fleet: Accelerates the building of our navy. Takes 16 battleships paints them white and sends them on a 14 month cruise around the world. 3. Teddy, Japan, and the Nobel Peace Prize: 4. Roosevelt Corollary

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