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PHILIPPINE LAW JOURNAL Asia Cup 2007 Memorial for the Respondent Maric R. Seno Anna Lorem R. Ramos, ‘Janice C. Lee Anya M. Palileo Bioprospecting or Biopiracy: Does the TRIPS Agreement Undermine the Interests of the Developing Countries? Lowell B. Bautista When Accounting Meets ‘Tax: How the International Accounting Standards Affect Philippine Income Taxation Mynuilen M. Abiiar Obeny Vi M. Saldia-Castillo Rethinking the Foundations: Sovereignty, Community, and the International Legal Order from a Social Pluralist Perspective Ramd R. Bagares VOLUME 82 SEPTEMBER 2007 Buaperecan— He OPROSPRETING QP Bronce ONDER anngr Tite Iernmtscrs ene rnn: Pn Orne aH EN ACCOUNTING MEETS TAX. How THE INTL A TING S AFFECT Putt 1 INCOM rH Chery ViM, Saldua-Castille RETHINKING THE I NS INTERNATIONAL I RK PLURALIST PERSPECTIV 6 THE PHILIPPINE LAW JOURNAL ISSN 0031-772 Published quarterly during the academic year at the University

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