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HOME Ribbon Exercise

Type the Memo on page 2. Once you have typed make the following changes 1. Add Bullets to paragraph 2 2 top margin, default (near 1) side margins, At least a 1 bottom margin 2. Find/ReplaceFind the word memos and replace all with MEMOS 3.

Change all font to Ariel

Bold the words TO:, FROM:, DATE:, SUBJECT: in the 4th paragraph Underline your initials


6. Add shadow text to the date November 15, 2005. 7. 8. Change all font color to blue Align your initials to the right

9. Cut paragraph 2 and paste under paragraph 3 10. Highlight the person this memo is from


Faculty and Staff Lenore M. Fielding, Principal November 15, 2005 STANDARD MEMO FORMAT

At a recent meeting, department heads recommended that memos be processed on plain paper instead of preprinted forms. This recommendation is a cost-cutting measure that requires only a little more effort on the part of the keyboard operator. The customary standard margins are used: 2 top margin: default (near 1) side margins; at least a 1 bottom margin. Standard double spacing separates memo parts, including paragraphs, which are individually single-spaced. If someone other than the writer keys the memo, that persons initials should be keyed at the left margin a double space below the message. If an attachment or enclosure is included, Attachment or Enclosure should be keyed at the left margin a double space below the message or the keyboard operators initials (if any). Headings begin at left margin. After TO: tab twice to key the name; after FROM: tab once to key the name; after DATE: tab once to key the date; after SUBJECT: space twice (or tab once) to enter the subject (may be keyed in ALL CAPS or C/lcCap and lowercase). Please use this format for several days; then let me know if you experienced any difficulties. Your initials

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