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Exercise 1 14th Sept 2012 BSE 2 1.

Given a signed, fixed point representation in base 10, with three digits to the left and right of the decimal point: a) What is the range? (Calculate the highest positive number and the lowest negative number.) 2. Convert the following numbers as indicated, using as few digits in the results as necessary. a) (47)10 to unsigned binary b) (-27)10 to binary signed magnitude c) (213)16 to base 10 d) (10110.101)2 to base 10 e) (34.625)10 to base 4 3. Convert the following numbers as indicated, using as few digits in the results as necessary. a) (011011)2 to base 10. b) (-27)10 to excess 32 in binary. c) (011011)2 to base 16. d) (55.875)10 to unsigned binary. e) (132.2)4 to base 16.

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