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BIM or Building Information Modelling is basically a process of generating and managing building data during its life cycle

or in simple words the data the collection of data or information related to building, for ease in construction, at one place. BIM starts from 2D, to prepare a plan of a building to and 3D aspect is added when a height aspect is to the plan of building. 4D BIM is when the aspect of time is added to a project. This can be done by dividing the construction of the project into different phases. Also proper sequencing should be done in different phases. 5D BIM is adding the aspect of cost to a project. This can be done only by the first and foremost condition i.e. a thorough study of the materials which can be used and then choosing the most efficient material. The next thing that comes is proper channelizing of energy or manpower efficiently in different phases of construction. BIM today is a very important and a strong tool in building construction management. The tool must be promoted to be used in all aspects of construction and by each class of construction i.e. from project manager level to a contractor level. This would increase the productivity and efficiency of the construction. BIM has been used today in many projects ranging from real estate to construction of project of national importance like dams, bridges etc. This has created a new revolution and a better understanding level in the field of construction. A mere example of the same, being construction of a 30 storey building in just 30-days in China. In my case the first and foremost approach to be adopted by me would be developing of a computer model from the software I know and the others I am learning and create a 3D model. Then adding different attributes to the same would add to the model. Again, my approach would be to promote the model in different levels of construction.

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