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Poetic Forms

ECA Poetry Module 2012

Poetic Form

Haiku A traditional form of Japanese poetry present simple word pictures of moment in time often of the natural world With suggestions of images, actions, moods & feelings that are occurring simultaneously, at the very same moment

Has 3 lines of 17 syllables: 5 syllables 7 syllables 5 syllables

Basho: Old Pond

furuike ya kawazu tobikomu mizu no oto

This separates into on as:

fu-ru-i-ke ya (5) ka-wa-zu to-bi-ko-mu (7) mi-zu no o-to (5)

old pond . . . a frog leaps in waters sound

Basho: Winter
hatsu shigure saru mo komino wo hoshige nari the first cold shower even the monkey seems to want a little coat of straw

Sizzling sausages Flames leap up in the night air Together at camp.

That frozen star there, or this one on the water, Which one is more distant?
Richard Wright

A small pool of blood. Killed in the air-raid: a girl and her huge blond doll.
Vladimir Devide

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