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Brand Elements
Choosing Brand Elements to Build
Brand Equity
Critieria for choosing Brand Elements
(Keller, figure 4-1)
1. Memorable)
Easily recognized
Easily recalled
2. Meaningful
Descriptive (i.e. product category)
Persuasive (i.e. attributes, benefits)
3. Likable
Fun and nteresting
Rich visual and verbal imagery
Aesthetically pleasing (style, design. theme)
4. Transferable
Within and across product categories
Across geographic boundaries and cultures
5. Adaptable
6. Protectable
Legally (protection internationally)
Competitively (secure registration and defend your rights)
Options and tactics for Brand Elements
Brand Names
Naming guidelines (Landor's Brand Name Taxonomy, figure 4-3)
Descriptive (Singapore Airlines)
Suggestive (Spar, Super Best,.)
Compounds (Compaq)
Classical ()
Arbitrary (Apple)
Fanciful (LEGO)
Brand Awareness Simple and easy to pronounce or spell;
familiar and meaningfull: and different, distinctive, and unusual
Trade-offs must be recognized.
Brand Associations mportant attributes and benefits, abstract
elements, known names vs. Made-up names; linguistic characteristics (see
figure 4-5)
Naming procedures (nterbrand naming prcedure, fig 4-6)
Options and tactics for Brand Elements
URL's (uniform ressource locators)
Figure 4-8: Some URL Guidelines
1. Get started now
2. Keep it as simple as possible
3. Avoid clichs
4. Avoid the .com
5. Avoid the descriptive
6. Create a unique personality
7. Go for unwxpected combinations
8. Reinvnet a real word
9. Make new words
10. Ensure that your brand promise equates with your
ability to deliver
Options and tactics for Brand Elements
(Other) elements
Logo's and Symbols (see figure 4-9)
Slogans (see figure 4-14)
Options and tactics for Brand Elements
1. dentify the Brand
2. Convey descriptive and persuasive information
3. Facilitate product transportation and protection
4. Assist at-home storage
5. Aid product consumption
And a lot of other considerations are relevant:
Shelf impact (color signals), the self service aspect,
production and logistical efficiency and effectiveness,
legal texts / demands, envionmental aspects, .

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