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A Stock Trading Strategy By Anthony J. Fejfar, B.A., M.B.A., Phd. Perpetual (C)Copyright and (P)Patent (2012 C.E.

) By Anthony J. Fejfar and Neothomism P.C. (PA) Of course there are many different ways of evaluating a stock, and many different strategies for investing in the Stock Market. The Fejfar stock trading Method does not guarantee the

highest return on investment, but, on the other hand, it is probable that the investor will come out ahead in the long run. Here is how it works: 1. Identify the Stock you are interested in, let us say, Home Depot, for example. 2. You identify the current market price, plus the price range of the stock for the last year, or even 3 years, or 5 years. 3. You then find the average price of that stock for that time period. 4. It is best to buy that stock when it is selling for the average price. 5. If the stock goes more than one dollar lower than the average price then you should sell, because, it seems to be on a downward slide. 6. When the stock approaches the high end of the last year range, then you should sell. For example: Home Depot $ 31 per share current selling price One year selling price range: $28 to $53 per share Thus, using the Fejfar strategy it is best to buy the stock at around $40 per share and if the stock goes below $39 per share it is time to sell; and, if the stock

goes up to around $51 per share it is time to sell. The probable result should be that you will make approximately $10 a share profit, at some point, if you follow the Fejfar strategy.



ACADEMIC PURPOSES; if you wish to actually invest in the Stock Market you should consult a profession financial advisor or stock broker before actually investing.

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