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he said the purpose of the emergency plan was to address the current challenge of gas supply that had

hindered the ability of the nation to generate electricity up to the installed capacities of the gas-fired power stations across the country. According to her, the planned intervention during the emergency period will release over 300 million standard cubic hit of gas per day capable of generating about 1,000MW available from the unutilised Eastern axis.

The construction and operation of cogeneration systems may affect the national economy in several ways either direct or indirect (creation of new job positions, increased production of goods and services, etc.). The EU Council of Ministers agreed on the directive to liberalise the electricity market Simulation of the engine performance, when excess of cooling power coming from the absorption cooling system is used to decrease the inlet temperature of the air entering the engine. Consideration of potential emissions penalties (NOx), other than CO2. Application of shadow price to trigeneration projects. Optimization of trigeneration systems, using linear programming methods

Although it is not possible to predict the future some prediction and scenario studies can be useful to reduce the risk of the investment. Investment in any new equipment is driven by economic return and so investment in trigeneration always competes with other projects that could prove more successful financially. A sophisticated discounting technique -based in Net Present Value method- is presented to allow the reader to make an initial assessment of the likelihood of trigeneration being attractive in a specific situation and hence whether further investigation into trigeneration would be worthwhile Net present value of the investment (NPV) It is called also net present worth. It is the present worth of the total profit of an investment, which results as the difference between the present worth of all expenses and the present worth of all revenues, including savings, during the life cycle of the investment (system). A general expression for the net present value is

() N t t t0t F NPV =1d = + $ (5-11) or (

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