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Practising Cambridge English: Business Vantage Speaking Part 1


A. TEACHERS NOTES ...........................................................................................................2 A1. Lesson Plan ...............................................................................................................2

A2. Classroom Handout 1 ................................................................................................4 A3. Classroom Handout 2 ................................................................................................5 A4. Classroom Handout 3 ................................................................................................6 A5. Answer keys...............................................................................................................7 A6. Suggested homework/self-study activities .................................................................8

B. GUIDANCE FOR FOLLOW-UP ACTIVITIES ......................................................................9

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Practising Cambridge English: Business Vantage Speaking Part 1 A. TEACHERS NOTES

Description Time required: Materials required: 50 minutes Aims: Classroom Handout 1 (optional, one copy for each student) Classroom Handout 2 (one copy for each student) Classroom Handout 3 (one copy for each student) to prepare students for Cambridge English: Business Vantage Speaking Part 1 by: reviewing key vocabulary introducing structures which could be used when replying to questions.


Lesson Plan

1. Give out A2 Classroom Handout 1, or show/draw the diagram on the board. Dictate the following words to students. Ask them to match each word with one of the categories on the diagram: flexible working hours competitive salary motivated diploma.

Check students have correctly categorised them and concept check the categories. In pairs. students add at least four more pieces of vocabulary to each category. Allow five minutes for this. Once they have finished, add their vocabulary to the board. Timing: 10 minutes 2. Check students recall of Part 1 of the Speaking test by asking the following questions: How long is Part 1? (about three minutes) What subjects will you be asked about? (work/studies, life) Should you give long answers? (No, answers should be concise and not learnt by heart.)

Timing: 2 minutes

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Practising Cambridge English: Business Vantage Speaking Part 1

3. Explain to students that they are going to review some structures and vocabulary that they can use when responding to questions about work and their studies. Give out A3 Classroom Handout 2. In pairs, students match the beginnings of sentences with endings. Once completed, check answers as whole class. Focus on some of the language used, e.g. to work in; to work as; to be used to + ing; to be responsible for. (See A5 Answer keys). Timing: 8 minutes 4. Individually, students write five sentences about themselves, using some of the language from the worksheet. They should compare their sentences with their partner. Elicit some sentences to the board and if necessary correct these together. Timing: 5 minutes 5. Hand out A4 Classroom Handout 3. In pairs, students rearrange the words to make questions. Check answers together. (See A5 Answer keys.) Students work in pairs to write three more questions. Elicit some sample questions and write them on the board. Timing: 10 minutes 6. Divide the class into pairs. One student should act as an examiner and the other as a candidate. The examiners should ask some of the questions from the handout and some from the board. The candidate should answer appropriately. Allow three minutes, then students change roles and repeat the exercise. While learners are speaking, note down errors and also examples of good answers, including vocabulary and language. Feed back. Elicit students responses on how they found the role play, and discuss the positive aspects you observed. Write errors on the board or on an OHT and ask learners to work in pairs to correct them. Lead feedback. Timing: 15 minutes

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Practising Cambridge English: Business Vantage Speaking Part 1

A2. Classroom Handout 1

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Practising Cambridge English: Business Vantage Speaking Part 1

A3. Classroom Handout 2

Complete sentences 18 with phrases a-h. The first one has been done for you.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Ive been working in ..c To begin with I worked The job involves I have worked on projects I am used to .. My aim is to find I am responsible for . As part of my job ..

a. where I have had to liaise with overseas clients. b. managing three junior members of staff. c. marketing since I finished my degree. d. as an assistant to the marketing manager. e. I have to co-ordinate promotional campaigns. f. a position in an international company.

g. meeting tight schedules and deadlines. h. developing advertising campaigns.

Use some expressions from the exercise to write five sentences about yourself and your work experience.

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Practising Cambridge English: Business Vantage Speaking Part 1

A4. Classroom Handout 3

Rearrange the words to make questions. The first one has been done for you.

1. you/say/about/something/Can/where/currently/work/you/? Can you say something about where you currently work?.................. 2. do/you/few/a/doing/yourself/What/see/in/time/years/? .. 3. What/job/for/skills/think/you/do/important/are/your/? .. 4. enjoy/current/what/you/do/about/your/job/? .. 5. opportunities/taken/improve/skills/What/you/have/to/experience/and/your/? .. 6. like/you/would/abroad/work/to/ ..

Now in pairs, write three more questions:

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Practising Cambridge English: Business Vantage Speaking Part 1

A5. Answer keys

Classroom Handout 1 1. c 2. d 3. b 4. a 5. g

6. f 7. h 8. e

Classroom Handout 3 2. What do you see yourself doing in a few years time? 3. What skills do you think are important for your job? 4. What do you enjoy about your current job? 5. What opportunities have you taken to improve your skills and experience? 6. Would you like to work abroad?

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Practising Cambridge English: Business Vantage Speaking Part 1

A6. Suggested homework/self-study activities

1. Encourage students to record themselves while replying to the questions and to listen to each others responses, in order to develop their skills in evaluating and improving their answers. Use the Teachers Handbook and introductory activities on the Cambridge ESOL Teacher Support website to help your students understand the assessment of this part of the test. 2. Encourage students to keep a functional language bank, in addition to a vocabulary bank, with, for example, phrases for agreeing, disagreeing. They should add sample sentences for each phrase. 3. As a follow-up activity, students could devise sample questions for other topics which may occur in Part 1, e.g. studies, home etc.

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Practising Cambridge English: Business Vantage Speaking Part 1 B. GUIDANCE FOR FOLLOW-UP ACTIVITIES
1. In A2 Classroom Handout 1 students were asked to complete a spidergram related to the topic of the work. This is a good way of both reviewing vocabulary and recording new vocabulary. You can reproduce this activity by selecting a topic area you have studied with students dividing the vocabulary into categories, or letting students decide on categories dictating the vocabulary you want to focus on and asking students to categorise it, or letting students brainstorm the vocabulary.

2. In A3 Classroom Handout 2 students were asked to match beginnings and endings in sentences. Learners need to think about both the meaning of the two sections and the grammatical clues, such as tenses, verb forms, prepositional phrases, etc. This kind of activity also helps prepare learners for Cambridge English: Business Vantage Reading Parts 2 and 4. You may want to reproduce this exercise to review vocabulary or to focus on an aspect of grammar such as dependent prepositions, relative clauses, etc. You can make your own exercise by: choosing 810 sentences dividing the sentence in two at a logical point (optional) writing the sentences on pieces of paper to make the activity more kinaesthetic. Alternatively, this kind of activity can be done on computers as homework. encouraging students to complete the sentences a second time, with endings which relate to their own lives.

3. In A4 Classroom Handout 3 students had to rearrange questions. This helps them to think about the word order of questions, as well as typical collocations. This exercise can be adapted to review language to express functions as well.

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