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God, Truths and the Plight of Mankind
God, Truths and the Plight of Mankind
God, Truths and the Plight of Mankind
Ebook236 pages2 hours

God, Truths and the Plight of Mankind

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Believers in Christ, atheists, and the uncommitted alike can all agree on a couple of things and say that something has changed in the world, and this change is not for the better. The author tackles such a perplexing statement with biblical answers and hard-hitting facts. This book contains a variety of topics, from the biblical reason why God created man, why the rapture and the great tribulation must occur soon, the darkness that is slowly engulfing the world, and the message of the hour from heaven. If youre searching for truth and not tradition, if youre looking for an explanation and not an excuse, then open up this book and put an end to your quest.
PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateOct 17, 2012
God, Truths and the Plight of Mankind

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    God, Truths and the Plight of Mankind - J"E"M

    God, Truths and the

    Plight of Mankind


    Copyright © 2012 JEM

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    WestBow Press rev. date: 10/12/2012


    Introduction - The Times We Are In

    Chapitre 1 - The Groundwork

    Pennod 2 - Origin of Origins of Truths

    Capitulo 3 - In Plain View

    Kapitel 4 - Healing

    Hoofstuk 5 - Calculated Miscalculation

    Kabanata 6 - What shall we do now?

    For most people when you mention the word future an answer that contains within it, is an uncertain element. Challenge yourself and come to the conclusion that being in the dark about the future is not the will of God. Tough times are upon us and if ever we need God and the ability to hear from HIM, now is it. In God, truths and the Plight of Mankind the author place great emphasis on this, as well as the need of true relations with fellow believers.

    Introduction -

    The Times We Are In

    When I felt that God wanted me to write a book, my thought process was that it would pertain to healing. Once I decided to actually LISTEN to God and not myself, was the moment that the inspiration from the Holy Spirit became apparent. This book will appeal, challenge and annoy people of all ages, creeds, and genders but it will always contain TRUTH. At the heart of this book is what I believe is in the heart of God now, which is relationship with Him and being aware of the times in which we are living in. This is the message of the hour from heaven. It is my profound hope that the people of God recognize this hour and begin to seek Him with humility and urgency. It is time to lay aside our differences and understand that all believers are in need of one another- this will point us in the right direction and begin to unite us, for the common cause of Christ.


    King James Bible

    Merriman Webster Collegiate Dictionary

    Strong’s Concordance

    Vines Dictionary

    Brainy Quote

    Galactic Alignment (time and

    Jesus is

    Natural News

    Sabbath & Antichrist (God Sabbath

    The bankruptcy of the United States ( bankruptcy/htm)

    The pagan origins of Mary worship

    Chapitre 1 -

    The Groundwork

    The purpose of this book is to inspire people to contemplate about God, their walk with Him and the reality of being a believer but not in the traditional sense as most of us have read, heard and experienced. The purpose of this book also is to promote people to look around and to search for the truth about God and his word for themselves, outside of the traditional religious mindset. This will require you to take a step of faith and to allow the Holy Spirit to teach and to guide you. This book will challenge you in many areas of your life and will aggravate non biblical theology strongholds in your life. This book will answer some of the questions that most people are asking themselves, which is, I know something is going to happen in the world but what? The year is 2012 and we need the God of 2012 in our lives so each and every one of us can understand and know what is going to happen in the future, and what it means to be a follower of Christ. Without this knowledge it will be impossible to know God in the way that He wants us to and God will continue to be that mysterious invisible entity.

    What you will read in this book will startle several, confuse a few, bring anger to others, and challenge the rest. Some will accept it because they realize truth when they see it, while the rest will simply dismiss it since it will force them to look at themselves and their beliefs, which will threaten their cozy lifestyles. This book will start at ground zero, and once a foundation is laid, it will ascend to a higher level which will alienate and eradicate fleshly mental deliberating, and promote biblical thinking and reasoning, thus producing a God-like decision making process.

    I know there are some that believe that it does not matter because the Godhead is just one singular entity expressed three separate ways. I would have to say it does matter since Jesus (Yeshua) Himself, constantly referred to God as his father when it came to their relationship and his understanding of Him. Even the model of prayer that Jesus (Yeshua) Himself has given us does not include prayer to Him, but to the Heavenly Father in His name.

    Either God is lying, or we are missing something…

    Let us all be honest and admit that after reading the Bible, the power of God that the 1st century church was operating under, and their level of authority, far surpasses that which is happening in today’s churches. We have to look in the mirror and realize, we are sorely lacking the power of the Holy Spirit in the body of Christ. Jesus (Yeshua) did say that we should do greater works than he, but the fact remains we are doing far less. Technology allows us to reach a greater number of people when it comes to ministry, but the QUALITY of ministry and the exhibiting of the Holy Spirit power as a whole are insulting to God.

    Either God or Jesus (Yeshua) is lying, or perhaps we are missing something and need to reassess exactly what it means to be a follower of Christ. If at the moment you cannot believe this, then ask yourself a few questions: why is it that most believers do not talk about genuinely knowing GOD or take the time out to actually try to, or why is the power of God not rampant in the body of Christ and throughout the world as well?

    If you think like the world, then you will get worldly results.

    If you think of yourself as having no power, then you will not exhibit any.

    If you continue to view yourself as a human being, then you will get human results.

    We are coming to a crossroad with our walk with God and it is going to go one of three ways. You are going to proceed and enter into a serious relationship and understanding of Him, or you are going to eventually hold onto the tradition of men and become lukewarm, or you will embrace the world and go your separate ways.

    The last two paths are just temporary, because eventually the lukewarm church Jesus (Yeshua) will spit out. There will soon be two churches, one who decides to follow Christ and ALL of his teachings, and the other will have some of Christ teachings and then will mix it with the tradition of men and new age teachings. Even if your faith is weak at the moment and you cannot believe on your own, but if you realize that there is more to God than this, just simply ask God to help you and He will.

    If you sit there and pretend that you have it all together and continue to mix the world’s viewpoint and God’s commandments together, you will eventually be deceived to the point of no return. The body of Christ is fundamentally flawed in a few areas and until we can get it together, the body as a whole will not move forward. There are too many churches and denominations that have different doctrines independent of each other. Christians profess to be followers of the faith but how can this be, since love and togetherness are not implemented? How much love is shown to those outside of our denomination, or to those who are not a part of the same church and God help us, if someone is a different color than us. As long as we cannot get the basics, then separation will continue to plague the body.

    Admit that a change is needed

    We live in a world that is almost completely different from the one at the turn of this century. Laws are being passed which will eventually produce lawlessness. People are unemployed, hungry and struggling without hope, so crime will escalate, as will the lack of compassion for human life. I look at the body of Christ and I am disappointed overall in her and I believe that God is as well.

    Change is needed and it starts with everyone looking in the mirror and coming to the conclusion that you can do better in God. I look within the body and in general I see some of the same messages being taught today as it was 10 years ago, as if we need another message on prosperity. I still see people going to church and will not fellowship with other believers that are outside of their church building, and this is a direct reflection of their spiritual leader. People are going to church, hearing a message, and the power of God is not being exhibited within the four walls, nor outside of them, as Christ promised us that it should. If we are to think like God, then (Galatians 5:22-23) the fruit of the spirit should be expressed in our lives as well as the power and authority that Jesus (Yeshua) has given us.

    Another issue of concern in the body of Christ is that we only seem to agree on a few things, this has to be addressed and corrected if we are to move forward in unity and understanding as Christ commanded. Christ died and ascended into heaven in order for the church to be born. Humans have twisted his teachings and gift wrapped it in their traditions to look like a pleasant and attractive Godly gift, putting an appealing bow on top in order to fit their needs and limited understanding. Why settle for just going to a building or having a somewhat comfortable lifestyle when you have an opportunity to know the creator and the messiah who made all of this possible? Why not take the time NOW and let God Himself train you so you can get an understanding of what life truly is, so when the really challenging times come, you will be in a place spiritually that you will not let the natural affairs of life overtake you?

    We are at the point that we need to start asking some hard questions and start pressing in to get some even better answers, and it starts with a true relationship with God. When you mention relationship with God, most people have a story to tell or say that they have one with Him, but based upon the evidence that has been consistently displayed in their lives; we would have to say that it is questionable at best. The body of Christ as a whole does not know the God that they are claiming to serve. They have heard of Him, some are doing limited ministry work and others have received blessings from Him, but knowing God and fulfilling your role as a Holy Priest daily before God is something that most believers are not doing. I am talking about knowing Him to the point that His character begins to rub off on you and the pettiness that separates us as believers no longer matters.

    Those who have wisdom and are listening to God; realize that these are spiritual desperate times RIGHT NOW and those who are not hearing from God, will not realize it until they see it with their physical sense. I will say again what I have said earlier that Relationship with God is the message of the hour from heaven and nothing else really matters at this point. Attempting to put your career ahead of God is futile in today’s economy where your company or job can either move or send the work elsewhere. Putting people ahead of God is fruitless because they eventually will disappoint you, but only God can give you all the answers that you need in life and He always has your best interest in mind.


    The body of Christ should be in the position where it is a place of refuge for people, and where folks can ask some of the hard questions about God, the Bible and the future. The world instead is going to palm readers, zodiac signs, mediums, psychics and false prophets in a futile attempt to quench the spiritual fires that blaze within them. If you were to ask believers what God has said about the future, most will not be able to provide an answer. This is sad because Amos 3:7 states, surely the Lord God will do nothing unless he reveals his secret unto his servants, the prophets, first.

    You will read things in this book that will go against your personal theology, church traditions and of course your own private interpretations. I need you to be opened-minded and to view facts beyond those of yourself, your pastor or church leader, and please do not pick up the phone to call someone from your church, to double check and make sure that this is something that we believe in. I simply want you to pray, pick up the Bible yourself and gather your information, then come to a biblical conclusion that is not based from emotions or denominational teachings.

    Biblical Sense

    I am aware that God does not want anyone to become encased within a damnable doctrine nor to be led astray, but God also wants you to think on your own and to personally seek Him outside of your church, friends and family’s influence. Challenging times are in front of all of us and the, same ol, same ol church experience has simply run its course. Since God is calling all of us to Him, our spiritual maturity is now at stake and therein lies either the problem or the answer. We should all look in the mirror and ask this question, Can I hear from God on a personal level for myself? I’m not talking about hearing from GOD when it comes to ministry or ministering to someone else. I mean hearing from God if you ask him a particular question concerning yourself.

    If you are to that point that you can hear from God, then ask yourself this, when you hear from God is it 100% accurate all the time, every time? The answer is of course NO, which means everyone has room to grow and this only comes from spending time alone with Him, meditating and reading His Word. The world has never been in the condition that it is currently in. I’m not saying that the times of today are all new I am unpretentiously avowing that there has never been over 7 billion people on the planet, with these many religions and cults, with the overall easy accessibility of technology today. Because of this, it is easy to be deceived and ensnarled in bondage.

    I can remember when my parents’ generation was my age, things were different. Men were men and they possessed a natural proclivity of financial responsibility of taking care of their family. I can acknowledge their weaknesses, which were many, but they had plenty of admirable traits and qualities about them. Even though many men did not go to church, most wives did, and for some families this was enough to keep it together when the tough times came around. Men back in those days had good hygiene and multiple skills- it was common to see someone’s father doing landscaping, electrical work, putting shingles on the roof, some plumbing and then go to work.

    My generation is different. We started out a lot like our parents, but along the way something changed. It is common now to see a grown man in his mid to late 30’s or even 40’s playing video games as much as a child would. My generation is engaged in acts where a man can have a bad day and the next thing you know, his wife or girlfriend and kids are dead, and he kills himself. Or a mother takes the family minivan with the kids on a Sunday morning and drives the van into a lake. Professional teachers, men and women alike, are openly sleeping with their students (I know this always happened but never to this degree) and to the point that they are leaving their families for a CHILD. They do this knowing they will lose their careers forever and have a nice prison sentence waiting for them.

    Human trafficking (victims are forced to do free labor and perform sexual acts for the profits of others, this is another word for slavery) is the second most lucrative criminal activity in the world ( with profits estimated at 10 billion to 31.6 billion dollars a year. Most people think this kind of activity is regulated to third world countries, but the United States is one of the world’s primary destinations for human trafficking (, and one of the reasons why is that in some states (laws currently being passed to ban it in Hawaii and Oklahoma), there were loopholes in the law which has made it legal.

    Just when you think things couldn’t get any worse, along comes my son’s generation, in which they have taken sinning to a consistent lower depth of depravity. The majority of Christians today has a somewhat comfortable lifestyle, or has adapted to their situation in life, and is satisfied with the occasional break-through in God.

    The promises of God, in which you used to believe in, hardly ever happen in your life. After a while, the Bible itself seems to be just an ancient book in which to live your life by. But to know God personally, and the benefits of such, eludes you. You have acknowledged that your lifestyle needs to change and year after year you make New Year’s Promises or Resolutions, which you never seem to be able to keep. Your intentions are good and you are determined, but your previous mannerism and old habits have returned and the next thing you know, another year has passed and you cannot even remember, nor account for, the previous year. This makes you unaware that your relationship with God is the same as it was the year before or in some cases, progressively worse. The muck and the mire that you promised yourself that wouldn’t keep you down, not only kept you down, but you were powerless to stop it.

    Too many believers are looking for a new word from God or something popular, faddish or different that will entice them, which breeds into the all-too-familiar ground of entertainment. So let’s get it right and bring to light that the Bible was translated by men who were inspired by God, to write what was told to them. Understanding, illumination and revelation of the Bible come by the Holy Spirit, various points of cultural research, and understanding of different languages and hermeneutics. Any private interpretations are strictly forbidden, for the obvious reasons of one being led astray from

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