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Verbos ingleses (100 verbos conjugados)
Verbos ingleses (100 verbos conjugados)
Verbos ingleses (100 verbos conjugados)
Ebook546 pages3 hours

Verbos ingleses (100 verbos conjugados)

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Escrito especialmente para soportes electrónicos, Los verbos ingleses contiene una introducción a la formación de todos los tiempos verbales en inglés, además de cien verbos esenciales completamente conjugados, junto con su traducción. Este libro electrónico está adaptado y formateado para que los usuarios puedan buscar en todo el texto, ya que no contiene imágenes que impidan la lectura adecuada en este formato.

Release dateJan 16, 2018
Verbos ingleses (100 verbos conjugados)

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    Verbos ingleses (100 verbos conjugados) - Karibdis


    Editorial Karibdis




    Karibdis on Smashwords


    Copyright 2018 by Editorial Karibdis

    Título original: Verbos ingleses

    © Editorial Karibdis, 2018

    Diseño de cubierta: Karina Martínez Ramírez

    Elementos de la cubierta: Creative_hat / Freepik

    Editor digital: Karibdis

    Primera edición: enero 2018

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    1. Introducción

    La lengua inglesa pertenece a las lenguas germánicas, como el alemán, el danés y el noruego. Las características principales del verbo inglés son:

    modo: indicativo, condicional, imperativo

    tiempo: presente, pasado, futuro

    persona: primera, segunda, tercera

    número: singular, plural

    voz: activa, pasiva

    2. Clasificación de los verbos

    Los verbos ingleses se dividen en dos conjugaciones, según la terminación del pasado y del participio:

    Verbos regulares: el pasado y el participio acaban en -ed

    Verbos irregulares: el pasado y el participio son irregulares

    3. Presente de indicativo

    3.1. Forma afirmativa

    El presente de indicativo se forma con el infinitivo sin la partícula to para todas las personas, excepto para la tercera persona del singular, que siempre requiere una -s final:

    TO LIVE (vivir)

    I live

    you live

    he lives

    we live

    you live

    they live

    Los verbos que acaban en -o, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x añaden -es a la tercera persona del singular:

    do (hacer) – does (hace)

    go (ir) – goes (va)

    echo (resonar) – echoes (resuena)

    kiss (besar) – kisses (besa)

    miss (perder) – misses (pierde)

    wash (lavar) – washes (lava)

    rush (darse prisa) – rushes (se da prisa)

    watch (mirar) – watches (mira)

    reach (alcanzar) – reaches (alcanza)

    relax (relajarse) – relaxes (se relaja)

    box (boxear) – boxes (boxea)

    fix (sujetar) – fixes (sujeta)

    3.2. Forma negativa

    Para transformar un verbo en su forma negativa es necesario utilizar el verbo to do (hacer) en función de auxiliar (que pierde su significado), seguido del adverbio not y el verbo en infinitivo sin to para todas las personas:

    TO LIVE (vivir)

    I do not live

    you do not live

    he does not live

    we do not live

    you do not live

    they do not live

    En la lengua hablada y en los textos informales se suele utilizar una forma contracta del auxiliar con la negación, dando lugar a las formas don’t y doesn’t. He aquí la conjugación completa:

    TO LIVE (vivir)

    I don't live

    you don't live

    he doesn't live

    we don't live

    you don't live

    they don't live

    3.3. Forma interrogativa

    Para formular una pregunta en inglés se utiliza el verbo to do (hacer) en función de auxiliar (no se traduce) en primer lugar, seguido del sujeto de la oración y finalmente del verbo principal en infinitivo sin to:

    TO LIVE (vivir)

    do I live?

    do you live?

    does he live?

    do we live?

    do you live?

    do they live?

    3.4. Forma interrogativa negativa

    La forma interrogativa negativa se construye con el verbo auxiliar en negativa don’t o doesn’t seguido del sujeto y el verbo principal:

    TO LIVE (vivir)

    don't I live?

    don't you live?

    doesn't he live?

    don't we live?

    don't you live?

    don't they live?

    La forma no contraída es menos usual, ya que se construye con el adverbio not (no) entre el sujeto y el verbo principal:

    TO LIVE (vivir)

    do I not live?

    do you not live?

    does he not live?

    do we not live?

    do you not live?

    do they not live?

    4. Presente continuo

    4.1. Forma afirmativa

    El presente continuo se forma con el presente simple del verbo auxiliar to be (ser, estar) y el gerundio (forma en -ing) del verbo principal:

    TO WORK (trabajar)

    I am working

    you are working

    he is working

    we are working

    you are working

    they are working

    El presente del verbo to be (ser, estar) puede contraerse con los pronombres personales o el sujeto de la oración:

    TO WORK (trabajar)

    I'm working

    you're working

    he's working

    we're working

    you're working

    they're working

    4.2. Forma negativa

    Para negar un verbo en presente continuo hay que añadir la negación not (no) entre el verbo auxiliar to be (ser, estar) y el verbo principal en gerundio (forma en -ing):

    TO WORK (trabajar)

    I am not working

    you are not working

    he is not working

    we are not working

    you are not working

    they are not working

    La forma negativa tiene dos combinaciones posibles para contraerse. La primera de ellas consiste en contraer el verbo to be (ser, estar) con los pronombres sujeto y la segunda de ellas en contraer el verbo to be (ser, estar) con el adverbio not (no):

    TO WORK (trabajar)

    I'm not working

    you're not working

    he's not working

    we're not working

    you're not working

    they're not working

    TO WORK (trabajar)

    I'm not working

    you aren't working

    he isn't working

    we aren't working

    you aren't working

    they aren't working

    4.3. Forma interrogativa

    Las preguntas en presente continuo se forman con la inversión del verbo auxiliar to be (ser, estar), que se coloca en primer lugar, seguido del sujeto de la oración:

    TO WORK (trabajar)

    am I working?

    are you working?

    is he working?

    are we working?

    are you working?

    are they working?

    4.4. Forma interrogativa negativa

    Esta forma se construye con el verbo auxiliar to be (ser, estar) contraído con el adverbio de negación not (no), seguidos del sujeto y del verbo principal en gerundio (forma en -ing). Para la primera persona, la contracción es irregular:

    TO WORK (trabajar)

    aren't I working?

    aren't you working?

    isn't he working?

    aren't we working?

    aren't you working?

    aren't they working?

    La forma no contraída, que es menos usual, se forma con el adverbio not (no) entre el sujeto y el verbo principal:

    TO WORK (trabajar)

    am I not working?

    are you not working?

    is he not working?

    are we not working?

    are you not working?

    are they not working?

    5. Pasado simple

    5.1. Forma afirmativa

    El pasado simple tiene dos vías de formación. Los verbos regulares utilizan la forma acabada en -ed y los verbos irregulares tienen sus propias formas (véase la segunda columna del apartado verbos irregulares). Solo se utiliza esta forma para todas las personas:

    TO OPEN (abrir)

    I opened

    you opened

    he opened

    we opened

    you opened

    they opened

    En los verbos regulares, para formar el pasado solo hay que añadir la terminación -ed al infinitivo del verbo sin to:

    start (empezar) – started (empecé)

    watch (mirar) – watched (miré)

    answer (responder) – answered (respondí)

    listen (escuchar) – listened (escuché)

    work (trabajar) – worked (trabajé)

    want (querer) – wanted (quise)

    help (ayudar) – helped (ayudé)

    Cuando el verbo acaba con la vocal -e solo hay que añadirle la consonante -d:

    like (gustar) – liked (gusté)

    use (usar) – used (usé)

    hate (odiar) – hated (odié)

    arrive (llegar) – arrived (llegué)

    care (preocupar) – cared (preocupé)

    decide (decidir) – decided (decidí)

    love (amar) – loved (amé)

    move (moverse) – moved (me moví)

    Si el verbo acaba en consonante más -y, la -y se cambia por -i antes de añadir la terminación -ed:

    carry (llevar) – carried (llevé)

    hurry (apurarse) – hurried (me apuré)

    bury (enterrar) – buried (enterré)

    try (intentar) – tried (intenté)

    worry (preocuparse) – worried (me preocupé)

    falsify (falsificar) – falsified (falsifiqué)

    pity (compadecer) – pitied (compadecí)

    Los verbos que acaba en -c cambian esta consonante por el grupo -ck antes de añadir -ed:

    frolic (retozar) – frolicked (retocé)

    traffic (traficar) – trafficked (trafiqué)

    arc (arquearse) – arcked / arced (me arqueé)

    Los verbos que acaban en consonante, vocal simple acentuada y consonante duplican la última consonante ante la desinencia -ed:

    stop (parar) – stopped (paré)

    plan (programar) – planned (programé)

    fit (encajar) – fitted (encajé)

    rob (atracar) – robbed (atraqué)

    stun (aturdir) – stunned (aturdí)

    tin (enlatar) – tinned (enlaté)

    sob (sollozar) – sobbed (sollocé)

    prefer (preferir) – preferred (preferí)

    permit (permitir) – permitted (permití)

    control (controlar) – controlled (controlé)

    wed (casarse) – wedded / wed (me casé)

    Los verbos que acaban en consonante -l o -p precedidas de una vocal simple no acentuada duplican la consonante en la variante británica, pero no en la variante estadounidense:

    grovel (postrarse) – grovelled UK / groveled US (me postré)

    quarrel (pelearse) – quarrelled UK / quarreled US (me peleé)

    travel (viajar) – travelled UK / traveled US (viajé)

    worship (adorar) – worshipped UK / worshiped US (adoré)

    5.2. Forma negativa

    La forma negativa del pasado simple se construye con el verbo auxiliar did (hice), que no se traduce, el adverbio negativo not (no) y el verbo principal en su forma de infinitivo sin la partícula to:

    TO OPEN (abrir)

    I did not open

    you did not open

    he did not open

    we did not open

    you did not open

    they did not open

    El adverbio not (no) se puede contraer con el auxiliar, dando lugar a las siguientes formas:

    TO OPEN (abrir)

    I didn't open

    you didn't open

    he didn't open

    we didn't open

    you didn't open

    they didn't open

    5.3. Forma interrogativa

    Con las preguntas se coloca primero el verbo auxiliar did seguido del sujeto de la oración y el verbo principal en su forma de infinitivo sin la partícula to:

    TO OPEN (abrir)

    did I open?

    did you open?

    did he open?

    did we open?

    did you open?

    did they open?

    5.4. Forma interrogativa negativa

    Se construye esta forma con el auxiliar y la negación didn’t seguido del sujeto y del verbo principal:

    TO OPEN (abrir)

    didn't I open?

    didn't you open?

    didn't he open?

    didn't we open?

    didn't you open?

    didn't they open?

    En la forma sin contraer, que es la menos común, se coloca el adverbio not (no) entre el sujeto y el verbo principal:

    TO OPEN (abrir)

    did I not open?

    did you not open?

    did he not open?

    did we not open?

    did you not open?

    did they not open?

    6. Pasado continuo

    6.1. Forma afirmativa

    El pasado continuo se forma con el pasado simple del verbo to be (ser, estar) seguido del gerundio del verbo principal (forma en -ing):

    TO WORK (trabajar)

    I was working

    you were working

    he was working

    we were working

    you were working

    they were working

    6.2. Forma negativa

    En la forma negativa se introduce el adverbio not (no) entre el verbo auxiliar to be (ser, estar) y el gerundio del verbo principal (forma en -ing):

    TO WORK (trabajar)

    I was not working

    you were not working

    he was not working

    we were not working

    you were not working

    they were not working

    El verbo auxiliar to be (ser, estar) se puede contraer con el adverbio not (no) para dar lugar a la forma contracta:

    TO WORK (trabajar)

    I wasn't working

    you weren't working

    he wasn't working

    we weren't working

    you weren't working

    they weren't working

    6.3. Forma interrogativa

    El verbo auxiliar to be (ser, estar) se coloca en primer lugar, seguido del pronombre o sujeto de la oración y del verbo principal en gerundio (forma en -ing):

    TO WORK (trabajar)

    was I working?

    were you working?

    was he working?

    were we working?

    were you working?

    were they working?

    6.4. Forma interrogativa negativa

    Se utiliza el verbo auxiliar to be (ser, estar) en pasado negativo, seguido del sujeto de la oración y del verbo principal en gerundio (forma en -ing):

    TO WORK (trabajar)

    wasn't I working?

    weren't you working?

    wasn't he working?

    weren't we working?

    weren't you working?

    weren't they working?

    La forma no contracta, que es la menos usual, se forma con el adverbio not (no) colocado entre el sujeto y el verbo principal:

    TO WORK (trabajar)

    was I not working?

    were you not working?

    was he not working?

    were we not working?

    were you not working?

    were they not working?

    7. Pretérito perfecto compuesto

    7.1. Forma afirmativa

    El pretérito perfecto compuesto se forma con el presente del verbo to have (haber) más el participio pasado del verbo principal (-ed para los verbos regulares y la tercera columna de la lista para los verbos irregulares):

    TO HELP (ayudar)

    I have helped

    you have helped

    he has helped

    we have helped

    you have helped

    they have helped

    El verbo to have (haber) puede contraerse con el sujeto de la oración:

    TO HELP (ayudar)

    I've helped

    you've helped

    he's helped

    we've helped

    you've helped

    they've helped

    7.2. Forma negativa

    En la forma negativa se coloca el adverbio not (no) entre el verbo auxiliar to have (haber) y el participio pasado:

    TO HELP (ayudar)

    I have not helped

    you have not helped

    he has not helped

    we have not helped

    you have not helped

    they have not helped

    El verbo auxiliar to have (haber) se puede contraer con el adverbio negativo not (no), dando lugar a las formas siguientes:

    TO HELP (ayudar)

    I haven't helped

    you haven't helped

    he hasn't helped

    we haven't helped

    you haven't helped

    they haven't helped

    7.3. Forma interrogativa

    En primer lugar se coloca el verbo auxiliar to have (haber), seguido del sujeto de la oración y del participio pasado del verbo principal:

    TO HELP (ayudar)

    have I helped?

    have you helped?

    has he helped?

    have we helped?

    have you helped?

    have they helped?

    7.4. Forma interrogativa negativa

    La forma interrogativa negativa se construye con el verbo auxiliar to have (haber) negado, seguido por el sujeto y el verbo principal:

    TO HELP (ayudar)

    haven't I helped?

    haven't you helped?

    hasn't he helped?

    haven't we helped?

    haven't you helped?

    haven't they helped?

    La forma no contracta, que se utiliza menos en el lenguaje oral, se forma con el adverbio not (no) colocado entre el sujeto y el verbo principal:

    TO HELP (ayudar)

    have I not helped?

    have you not helped?

    has he not helped?

    have we not helped?

    have you not helped?

    have they not helped?

    8. Pretérito perfecto compuesto continuo

    8.1. Forma afirmativa

    El pretérito perfecto compuesto continuo se forma con el pretérito perfecto compuesto del verbo auxiliar to be (ser, estar) más el participio presente del verbo principal (forma en -ing):

    TO WAIT (esperar)

    I have been waiting

    you have been waiting

    he has been waiting

    we have been waiting

    you have been waiting

    they have been waiting

    El verbo to have (haber) puede contraerse con el sujeto de la oración:

    TO WAIT (esperar)

    I've been waiting

    you've been waiting

    he's been waiting

    we've been waiting

    you've been waiting

    they've been waiting

    8.2. Forma negativa

    En la forma negativa se coloca el adverbio not (no) entre el verbo auxiliar to have (haber) y el participio pasado del verbo to be (ser, estar):

    TO WAIT (esperar)

    I have not been waiting

    you have not been waiting

    he has not been waiting

    we have not been waiting

    you have not been waiting

    they have not been waiting

    El verbo auxiliar to have (haber) se puede contraer con el adverbio negativo

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