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Solutions for Biot's Poroelastic Theory in Key Engineering Fields: Theory and Applications
Solutions for Biot's Poroelastic Theory in Key Engineering Fields: Theory and Applications
Solutions for Biot's Poroelastic Theory in Key Engineering Fields: Theory and Applications
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Solutions for Biot's Poroelastic Theory in Key Engineering Fields: Theory and Applications

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Solutions for Biot's Poroelastic Theory in Key Engineering Fields: Theory and Applications provides solutions related to soil-structure interactions based on a poroelasticity theory, including moving loads such as trains. This book provides the commonly used methods for solving Biot’s formulations and conclusions on fully-saturated soil dynamics. It presents various solution methods used in Biot’s theory, such as the integral transformation method, the wave potential decomposition method, the finite element, and the 2.5D finite element method. It is suitable for graduate students, researchers and engineers who are interested in the soil-structure interaction problem with Biot’s theory, as well as engineers in several subdisciplines.

  • Focuses on the structure-saturated soil interactions based on Biot’s theory
  • Provides solutions (analytical and numerical) related to soil-structure interactions based on a poroelasticity theory, including moving loads such as trains
  • Includes common and novel solution methods for Biot’s formulation
Release dateMay 9, 2017
Solutions for Biot's Poroelastic Theory in Key Engineering Fields: Theory and Applications

Yuanqiang Cai

Cai Yuanqiang is a professor of Geotechnical engineering in Zhejiang University. He is also the president of Wenzhou University, as well as the vice chairman of the Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics and Engineering (Geoenviornmental Engineering Branch). He is an editorial committee member of the Journal of Rock Engineering, Journal of Rock and Soil Engineering, Journal of Vibration Engineering, and Journal of Zhejiang University Science (A) (SCI). His academic interests include foundation engineering, foundation treatment and saturated-soil dynamics. He has published over 200 research papers in archival journals with 40 of them in internationally-renowned journals.

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    Book preview

    Solutions for Biot's Poroelastic Theory in Key Engineering Fields - Yuanqiang Cai

    Solutions for Biot's Poroelastic Theory in Key Engineering Fields

    Theory and Applications

    First Edition

    Yuanqiang Cai

    Honglei Sun

    Table of Contents

    Cover image

    Title page



    Chapter 1: Basic Equations and Governing Equations


    1.1 Basic Equations

    1.2 Governing Equations of a Fully Saturated Poroelastic Medium

    1.3 Boundary Conditions

    Chapter 2: Solutions for Saturated Soil Under Moving Loads and Engineering Applications


    2.1 General Solutions of Saturated Ground Under a Moving Load

    2.2 Application in Highway Engineering

    2.3 Applications in Railway Engineering

    2.4 Engineering Application

    Chapter 3: Problems for Vibrations of Foundations


    3.1 Vertical Vibrations of a Rigid Foundation Embedded in Saturated Soil

    Chapter 4: Dynamic Responses of Foundations Under Elastic Waves


    4.1 Dynamic Response of a Rigid Foundation on Saturated Soil to Plane Waves

    4.2 Dynamic Response of a Rigid Foundation in Saturated Soil to Plane Waves

    4.3 Conclusions

    Chapter 5: Isolation of Elastic Waves


    5.1 Isolation of Elastic Plane Waves in Poroelastic Soil

    5.2 Isolation of Rayleigh Waves in Poroelastic Soil

    5.3 Engineering Application

    Chapter 6: Biot's Theory in the Finite Element Method


    6.1 Formulation of the Saturated Soil Elements

    6.2 Absorbing Boundary Condition for the Saturated Soil Element

    6.3 Conclusions

    Appendix A

    Appendix B

    Appendix C

    Appendix D

    Appendix E

    Appendix F

    Appendix G





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    All structures made by human beings have to be placed on or in the soil. At the very beginning, these soil foundations are only subjected to static loads, which are loads that build up gradually over time or with negligible dynamic effects, also known as monotonic loads. In the 1930s, due to the rapid development of machine manufacturing and transportation industries, the dynamic interaction between structural foundations and the underlying soil behavior under the action of cyclic loads started to receive considerable attention in a number of engineering fields. Cyclic loads are loads which exhibit a degree of regularity both in their magnitude and frequency. Stress reversals, rate effects and dynamic effects are the important factors that distinguish cyclic loads from static loads.

    Practically speaking, no real cyclic loads exist in nature; however, many kinds of loads can be simplified into cyclic loads for the convenience of study, analysis and design. For example, the operation of a reciprocating or a rotary machine typically produces a cyclic load. The passing of a long train can be considered a cyclic load. Even cars running on a road on the same line can be simplified as a cyclic load. Cyclic loads acting on the structures and soil can produce elastic waves in the ground which will act on the surrounding foundations and soil. These actions can cause environmental and safety problems. As a result, it is very important to take a deep look into this area to advance the knowledge regarding the theory of vibrations, the principles of wave propagation, and numerical methods in finding appropriate solutions for problems of practical interest.

    In the past few decades, many studies have been carried out on soil-structure interactions under cyclic loads. Most of them have treated the soil as an elastic or viscoelastic medium. However, there is underground water in what is considered soil medium, such that the soil is actually a two-phase medium. Biot [1] pioneered the development of an elastodynamic theory for a fluid-filled elastic porous medium. Since its publication, Biot’s theory has had wide applications in the geotechnical professions for analyzing wave propagation characteristics under cyclic loads. The aim of this book is to provide a tutorial and a state-of-the-art compilation of the advances in the applications of Biot's theory.


    [1] Biot M.A. Theory of propagation of elastic waves in a fluid-saturated porous solid. 1. Low-frequency range. J Acoust Soc Am. 1956;28:168–178.

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    Chapter 1

    Basic Equations and Governing Equations


    The basic equations, the governing equations and the boundary conditions of Biot's theory and its transformed forms, which are essential for solving engineering problems in a fully saturated poroelastic medium, are given both in a Cartesian coordinate system and a cylindrical coordinate system. The relationships between these coordinate systems are given as well. The basic equations include the geometric equations, the equations of motion and the constitutive equations.


    Biot's theory; Principle of effective stress; Poroelastic; Boundary conditions

    This chapter introduces the basic equations, the governing equations and the boundary conditions of Biot's theory and its transformed forms, which are essential for solving engineering problems in a fully saturated poroelastic medium.

    We use two kinds of coordinate systems in this book, a Cartesian coordinate system and a cylindrical coordinate system. The relationships between these coordinate systems are given in Table 1.1.1, in which angle θ (0≤θ≤2π) is measured from the positive direction of the x-axis to that of the y-axis. In these coordinates, we use (ux, uy, uz), (ur, , uz) to denote the displacements at a point in the solid in Cartesian and cylindrical coordinate systems, respectively. The footnotes demonstrate along which direction the displacement occurs. We can also use them in matrix form as {u}=[ux, uy, uz]T or [ur, , uz]T, respectively, where the superscript T stands for transpose.

    Table 1.1.1

    Direction cosines between coordinate axes in Cartesian and cylindrical coordinates

    We write the stresses and strains in the Cartesian and cylindrical systems, respectively, as

    where σij is the stress tensor, τij is the shear stress, γij is the shear strain, and ɛij is the strain tensor.

    The transformation rule between the stresses and strains in different coordinates is



    where σij denotes the stresses in Cartesian coordinates, σpq′ stands for the stresses in a new Cartesian coordinate system after rotation, and lpi and lqj represent the direction cosines between two coordinate axes.

    Combining Eq. (1.1.1) with Table 1.1.1, the relationships between the stresses in cylindrical coordinates and Cartesian coordinates can be easily derived:


    1.1 Basic Equations

    The basic equations for a linear elastic medium are geometric equations (strain-displacement relations), equations of motion and constitutive equations (stress-strain relations).

    1.1.1 Geometric Equations

    The geometric equations in Cartesian coordinates are given as:


    In cylindrical coordinates, they become


    The tensor form of the geometric equations in Cartesian coordinates can be written as


    with 2ɛij=γij when ij.

    The matrix form of the equations is given as


    in which u=[ux, uy, uz]T and E) is an operator matrix defined by


    1.1.2 Equations of Motion

    When the governing equations of a dynamic problem are set at the equilibrium position, the body force is omitted in the equations. In Cartesian coordinates, we have the equations of motion as


    where ρ is the density of the material.

    Using Eq. (1.1.3), in cylindrical coordinates, the equations of motion become


    The tensor form of the equations of motion in Cartesian coordinates can be written as


    where the dots above the symbols denote partial differentiation with respect to time t.

    1.1.3 Constitutive Equations

    The tensor form of Hooke's law in Cartesian coordinates can be written as


    where cijkl are components of a fourth-rank tensor including 81 components. Since the stress vectors are symmetric, the exchange of the indices i and j does not alter the result. Noting that the strain vectors are symmetric as well, the same process can be done to the indices k and l; and then we have the relationships

    In addition, since we are considering the adiabatic process, we still have the following relationship:

    Thus, among the 81 components of cijkl, the maximum number of independent ones is 21. For a homogeneous medium, the number of independent components goes down to 2, which are the Lame constant λ and μ, or Young's modulus E and Poisson's ratio ν. And the tensor form of Hooke's law can be simplified as


    Expanding Eq. (1.1.13), we have


    where λ and μ , which is called the volume strain or the matrix dilation.

    The corresponding matrix form of the equations is given as


    where σ and ɛ are vectors of stress and engineering strain, respectively. In Cartesian coordinates, they become

    And C should be a nonsingular and reversible matrix, which can be written as


    1.2 Governing Equations of a Fully Saturated Poroelastic Medium

    This section introduces the governing equations for a fully saturated poroelastic medium.

    1.2.1 Governing Equations in Cartesian Coordinates

    As for modeling the dynamic responses of a saturated porous medium, Biot [3] was the first to give the theory that presents three kinds of coupling (viscous, inertial, and mechanical) between the porous solid skeleton and pore fluid, and demonstrated that two kinds of longitudinal waves (P1 and P2 waves) and one kind of rational wave (the S wave) exist in the saturated porous medium. The existence of the P2 wave always distinguishes the two-phase medium from the single-phase one. The basic variables of Biot's theory are always the solid skeleton displacement (u) and the average displacement of pore fluid relative to the solid skeleton (w).

    Considering the concept of effective stress of the saturated mixture, the relationship between effective stress, total stress and pore pressure can be expressed as


    where σij′ is the effective stress tensor, σij is the total stress tensor, δij is the Kronecker delta, and α is the Biot constant that depends on the geometry of material voids. For the most part, in soil mechanics problems, α≈1 can be assumed. The relationship between total stress and effective stress becomes


    which corresponds to the classical effective stress definition by Terzaghi. Thus the tensor form of the equations of motion for a fully saturated poroelastic medium becomes (omitting the body force):


    where the dots above the symbols denote partial differentiation with respect to time t; thus üi is the acceleration of the solid part, wi is the fluid displacement relative to the solid part,

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