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300 Best Jokes: Clean One-Liners and Funny Short Stories Collection (Donald's Humor Factory Book 1)
300 Best Jokes: Clean One-Liners and Funny Short Stories Collection (Donald's Humor Factory Book 1)
300 Best Jokes: Clean One-Liners and Funny Short Stories Collection (Donald's Humor Factory Book 1)
Ebook101 pages1 hour

300 Best Jokes: Clean One-Liners and Funny Short Stories Collection (Donald's Humor Factory Book 1)

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About this ebook

Looking for Something New and Really Funny?
Imagine you can get it with JUST ONE CLICK!
Yes, this is a JOKE BOOK of your dreams. Vol.1 of the Donald's Humor Factory series.
This super funny adult joke book is free of swear words.

Donald Shaw is a popular comic and an award-winning humor books author (his wife gave him a French kiss award)! His jokes are loved by thousands of people from Alaska to Zimbabwe, and possibly outside of Earth.

Joking is always fun! Jokes bring smiles to people’s faces. Jokes make us laugh. People fall in love when they smile at each other. We love joking in the company of our best friends and families. Jokes help us to relax and overcome any difficulties. Joking is an awesome social skill and a great way to make new friends and to communicate nearly in any surrounding. Many people also love just to read some good jokes for amusement.

However, it is not that easy to find real good jokes today. Some of them are simply out-of-date. Some of them are not clean enough. You may also find many joke books that are not really funny and contain too much fluff and advertising.

This jokes book is different!
Buying this humor book you will get:

A great collection of 300 FUNNY JOKES
One-liners, real-life awkward situations, and hilarious short stories
Great book to read on a long trip
Clean jokes WITHOUT nasty words
Jokes for adults and teenagers
Jokes about relationship, marriage, bar, professions, hobbies, etc.
LIMITED TIME BONUS: the link to download my FREE HUMOR LIBRARY that includes hundreds of great jokes for kids, adults, and teenagers. So the whole family may have fun! This is no-brainer, really!
This book is free of racism. I support LGBT community, because love is love.
I love all people in the world and I want to make you laugh and smile! This is my ultimate goal and I did not mean to insult anyone.
So relax, take it easy and enjoy this humor book!

Buy this funny book NOW and roll on the floor laughing!

Pick up your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page!

PublisherDonald Shaw
Release dateFeb 12, 2017
300 Best Jokes: Clean One-Liners and Funny Short Stories Collection (Donald's Humor Factory Book 1)

Donald Shaw

Donald Shaw is a professional master of ceremonies and a comedian. He is an open-minded and friendly person who loves good jokes, sea diving and traveling most of all in his life. He wrote his first book of funny rhymes at the age of 9. His Dad helped him to print the book in 2 samples. One was sent to the school contest and another one still stays in the home of Donald's Dad. That book has won the first prize in the school contest. Years later, Donald realized he always wanted to write funny books. So he started doing it at the professional level. Donald has visited more than 45 countries during the last 3 years. When Donald was a boy he was afraid of the dark. Now when he sees his electric bill he is afraid of the light. =)

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    300 Best Jokes - Donald Shaw


    © 2017 by Donald Shaw

    Published by Donald Shaw

    Ebook edition created 2017

    ISBN 1542800579

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means – for example, electronic, photocopy, recording – without the prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.








    Donald Shaw is giving away a FREE humor library pictured above (no strings attached).

    Here is the link for YOU:


    As a Mom of a 5-year-old boy, I can tell you the names of all thirty of his dinosaurs, and none of the names of my colleagues.

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