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Getting There: Destiny is a Journey, Not a Destination!
Getting There: Destiny is a Journey, Not a Destination!
Getting There: Destiny is a Journey, Not a Destination!
Ebook156 pages2 hours

Getting There: Destiny is a Journey, Not a Destination!

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What if you knew you had a destiny and purpose, yet were struggling with finding and fulfilling that purpose? You knew God had a plan for you but you keep getting in the way. Many people spend years knowing that they have a purpose and destiny yet have no idea how to achieve that purpose. In David Limerick’s new book, Getting There: Destiny is a journey not a destination, David teaches that God does have a plan. Jeremiah 29:11 says that God has a good plan for you, a plan prosper you and to give you a future. This future is not a place of confusion, but a place where you find peace and joy in your everyday life. In Getting There, you will learn that as the apostle Paul ran his race so you must also run the race God has for you. Destiny is found in doing daily what you know to do. Keeping your heart and thought life in proper alignment. The Bible says that as a man thinks, so is he. Freedom is based on the ability to choose. Once choice is taken away, so is freedom. God gave you a free will and a mind with the ability to choose your path. Learning how to make the right choices is imperative to growing and maturing in God and in finding your destiny. As you learn to manage your thinking and actions you will find your “there” and great success.
Release dateSep 10, 2014
Getting There: Destiny is a Journey, Not a Destination!

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    Getting There - David Limerick


    Are we there yet? The question came from the middle seat of our van as we headed to Oklahoma from our home in McKinney, Texas. My wife, Stacey, and I just smiled at one another. Our seven-year-old twins, Kyle and Kristin, were asking the question just twenty minutes into our four-hour road trip to visit grandparents. Even though we had only been traveling for a few minutes, the excitement of going to see their grandparents was causing such anticipation that enjoying the trip was out of the question.

    And there are great similarities between that eager anticipation and finding and fulfilling our destinies. We get so excited about what we know is our destiny that we forget that achieving our destiny is a lifelong journey. Finding, fulfilling, and walking in our destiny is a journey that should be enjoyed. Destiny consists of a lifetime of making the right choices one day at time. However, a few days into the journey, people often begin to ask, Am I there yet?

    For many, destiny has become this mystical place called there. If they can ever find their there, they will be happy. If they can ever reach there, they will be healed, prosperous, and successful.

    This book is born out of my own journey and experiences. Many times in my life, I felt as if I was someone who had missed it too many times. I felt that God could never use me. I felt that there was no hope for the dreams I had passed by. As a minister of the gospel and a businessman, I know, personally, how hard it can be to find your there.

    Sir William Wallace, a Scotsman and freedom fighter who died in August of 1305 at the hands of his enemies, made this statement:

    Every man dies, but very few men ever live.


    That statement sums up what this book is about. As humans, our bodies die, but without learning to enjoy our journey here on the earth, many will never really live. Jesus said that the thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly (John 10:10 NKJV). The Amplified Bible adds the concept of nothing missing, nothing broken² with the idea of living one’s life in the overflow.

    Live life in the overflow, not the undertow.


    I have determined to be one of the few who choose to really live. To live the kind of life that God designed for me to live. I have determined to live my life walking out, daily, my destiny. To use the gifts and talents God has given me to bring Him glory. Getting to my THERE!

    As you read this book, I want to challenge you to decide to become someone who really lives. Someone who thrives in this life and not just someone who survives.

    The Bible says (again, this was Jesus) that many are called but few are chosen (Matthew 22:14 NKJV). We have a choice to make. Jesus calls, but we decide whether we will answer that call. To answer the call and be chosen—or to stand and stare at the promises of God and wish they were true.

    I choose to be chosen.

    What about YOU?

    In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.





    Success is on purpose and repeatable!


    Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.



    What does it mean to say that success is on purpose? Can a person create and repeat success? Is success a process? Doesn’t success just happen? Doesn’t a person just fall into success? You can’t plan for success, can you? Can you really duplicate success? The answer to most of these questions is yes! (The only ones that are no are the thoughts that success just happens and that a person simply falls into success.) Yes, a person can plan for success and he or she can create that success process so that it is repeatable.

    In golf, a beginner is taught the proper way to swing a golf club. The beginning golfer is taught the proper grip of the club, the takeaway, and the follow-through. The beginning golfer is taught how to address the golf ball. He or she is taught how to maintain balance throughout the swing. Through practicing these processes, muscle memory of the perfect swing becomes repeatable.

    The reason this muscle memory is so important is because when the pressure is on—and trust me, it will come—and the stress level is high, the muscle memory will take over and produce the learned swing that will produce the desired shot. We have all heard the old proverb that says practice makes perfect. I don’t believe that is true. I believe that perfect practice makes perfect. If you learn to swing the golf club the wrong way from the beginning and practice it the wrong way, you will have to spend years unlearning what you learned.

    That is how it is in life. If you do not learn to do life correctly, you can spend years unlearning what was not right to retrain your thoughts to the truth. I choose to learn it the correct way first.

    In life, the pressure from the outside, the world, and all its issues come to all of us. The pressure will produce or create a response in us. The type of response that is produced depends on what has been deposited on the inside of us in our hearts. Much like a tube of toothpaste: when pressure is applied, that which is in the tube comes out. Toothpaste.

    The same principle applies to our lives. When the pressure is applied, that which has been put on the inside will come out. The Bible shares with us that from the abundance of the heart, his mouth speaketh (Luke 6:45 NKJV). If we are putting the seeds of the Word of God concerning success, health, and love in our hearts, then when the pressure is on, out comes His word for success, health, and love.

    Being successful is a label that is often used to describe a person who has attained a level of recognition and secular success. This recognition can come from many different achievements. The achievements can be as simple as singing a beautiful song or as challenging as winning a Nobel Peace Prize.

    Success has multiple meanings and is not easily defined. Being successful is a subjective concept that is shaped and formed, according to one’s perspective, through his or her lifetime. Defining success is often a personal process based on many deeply held values. A person’s view of success can also be impacted by his or her environment or culture.

    Success can be defined by several different components. Here are a few:

    Cultural — In some cultures getting married young in life and having multiple children is considered being successful. Success in some cultures is measured by age. In Oriental cultures, the older a person is, the more respect they are given and the more successful they are considered to be. In Western cultures, youth seems to be worshipped and is given great emphasis.

    Socioeconomic — Success in other cultures is measured by the socioeconomic class a person has reached. Or, the number of dollars one might have in a bank account or investment account can bring the label of success. To some, success is defined by the home they live in or the car they drive. To others, it is not about keeping up with the Joneses, it is about beating the Joneses.

    Educational — A person is considered successful when they have attained a certain level of education. This can be as simple as graduating high school or earning a college degree; it can also be as lofty as earning a doctorate.

    Celebrity — A person who is an athlete or celebrity on television is considered to be successful if he or she achieves a level of performance that others long for.

    Here is how defines success:

    the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors; the accomplishment of one’s goals

    the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like

    a performance or achievement that is marked by success, as by the attainment of honors

    a person or thing that has had success, as measured by attainment of goals, wealth, etc.

    Confidence is contagious. So is lack of confidence.


    Vince Lombardi is considered by many to be one of the greatest football coaches who ever lived. He was the head football coach of the famous Green Bay Packers in the 1960s. He was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1971. Lombardi was right about confidence, or the lack of it, being contagious, and I would like to add that success—or the lack of success—is also contagious. I believe that lack of confidence to succeed and its effects on a person emotionally and mentally plagues many in our nation today. Being poor many times is not just the lack of money—it is the lack of confidence to succeed. The fear to dream and believe that things can be different is a hindrance to success.

    Don’t aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.



    But how does God define success? What is being successful in the eyes of God? Biblical success is defined a little differently. Jesus said, For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and is himself destroyed or lost (Luke 9:25 NKJV). In other words, a person could have all the money and power the secular system has to offer and yet, in the eyes of God, not be successful. Losing your soul because you were consumed with making money and being thought of by man as successful is a terrible loss of a life.

    The church has mistakenly put forth doctrine that God is against a person being successful. It has misused and misquoted the Scriptures. I heard for years growing up

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